Chemistry - Instrumentation


Our department has an excellent array of instrumentation for teaching and research. These instruments have been acquired through the funding of federal grants, donations, and expenditures from the College of Arts and Sciences. The following list represents the majority of our instrumentation holdings.

Since moving into the Lab Science Commons building, we have purchased many new instruments. Most of them are listed below. Not all of the instruments have photos, but we will add those soon.

Click the instrument name to see a picture of the instrument (if it is available).


Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer uTAS (2009)
Biacore X-100 SPR (2021)
BioLogic Protein Purifier (2014)
BioRad Gel Doc XR + Imaging System
Bioscan System 2000 Image Scanner
Cary Eclipse Fluorescence Spectrophotometer
Cytiva AKTA Start (2021)
Damon/IEC Clini-Cool Refrigerated Centrifuge
Fisher Biosciences PAGE System (2008)
FLUOstar OPTIMA Luminometer
GelDoc XR Plus (2015)
Jasco J-1100 Circular Dichroism Spectrometer (2021)
Multiphor II Isoelectric Focuser with BioRad Power Supply (2008)
Thermo NanoDrop 1000 Spectrometer (2009)
New Brunswick Sonicator 
Pharmacia Gradi-Frac LC System
Waters PCR (Thermocycler) (2009)


CHI 628a Potentiostat with Picoamp Booster and Faraday Cage (2016)
EG&G/PARC Electrochemistry System

Elemental Analysis

AmpTek X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (2012)
Perkin-Elmer Avio 200 ICP-OES (2021)
Perkin-Elmer Nexion 1000 ICP-MS (2021)
Tekran 2600 Elemental Mercury Analyzer (2002)
Thermo iCE 3500 AA (2021)

Mass Spectrometry

Agilent 6470A Triple Quadrupole LC/MS + 1260 Infinity II LC System (2021)
Agilent 8800/7000D Triple Quadrupole GC/MS (2021)
Thermo ISQ 7000 GC-MS (Quadrupole) (2021)
Waters Radian ASAP System with LiveID (2021)
Waters Synapt G2-Si/Acquity UPLC (2021)

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Bruker Avance III HD 500 NMR Spectrometer
Thermo picoSPin NMR (2021)


Biotage Initiator Microwave Synthesis Instrument
Buchi Glass Oven Ball Tube (2013)
CombiFlash Rf Lumen Automated Flash Chromatography System
Jasco P-2000 Digital Polarimeter (2021)
OLIS Cary 14 UV/Vis/NIR Fluorimeter & Spectrophotometer (2018)
Teledyne Isco Prep Scale HPLC, Auto Flash Purification, ELSD, MS (2021)
Thermo Scientific - picoSpin 80 NMR Spectrometer - 2 ea. (2021)
Thermo iS5 ATR-FTIR - 2ea. (2021)

Radio & Nuclear Chemistry

Amptek EXP-1 X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (2018)
Mettler-Toledo V20S Volumetric Karl Fischer Titrator
OLIS Cary 14 UV/Vis/NIR Fluorimeter & Spectrophotometer (2018)
Ortec Easy-MCA with Nucleus 5010 Amplifier & Sodium Iodide Detector (2018)
PERALS Alpha Spectrometer with DATAVIEW
Perkin-Elmer TriCarb 4910 Liquid Scintillation Counter (2021)
Perkin-Elmer Wizard 2470 Gamma Counter (2021)
Spectrum Technique UCS 30 2K Multichannel Analyzer (2010)
Spectrum Technique ST 450 SCA with 2" Nal(TI) Detectors - 2ea. (2010)
Spectrum Technique ST 360 Radiation Counter - 4ea. (2010)


Agilent 6470A Triple Quadrupole LC/MS + 1260 Infinity II LC System (2021)
Agilent 8800/7000D Triple Quadrupole GC/MS (2021)
Agilent 1220 Infinity II Gradient LC with Diode Array Detector (2021)
CombiFlash Rf Lumen Automated Flash Chromatography System
CTC Leap CombiPAL Autosampler for SPME (2007)
Thermo Aquion Ion Chromatograph (2021)
Thermo ISQ 7000 GC-MS (single quadrupole) (2021)
Thermo Trace 1310-iS50 GC-FTIR (2021)
Thermo Trace 1310 GC-FID (2021)
Thermo ICS-6000 Ion Chromatograph with Eluent Generator (2021)


Amplitude YAG Laser (2021)
B&W Tek i-Raman Spectrometer
Cary 3E UV-Visible Spectrophotometer (2001)
Cary 3500 UV-Vis - 2ea. (2021)
Cary 5000 UV-Vis-NIR (2021)
Cary Eclipse Spectrofluorimeter - 2ea. (2021)
Jasco J-1100 Circular Dichroism Spectrometer (2021)
Jasco P-2000 Digital Polarimeter (2021)
OLIS Cary 14 UV/Vis/NIR Fluorimeter & Spectrophotometer (2018)
Perkin-Elmer UATR Two
Sirah PrecisionScan Dye Laser (2021)
Thermo DXR3 Raman Microscope (2021)
Thermo iS5 ATR-FTIR (2021)
Thermo NanoDrop 1000 Spectrometer (2009)
Thermo Nicolet iS50 FTIR with ATR, Gas Sampling Cell (2021)

Thermal Analysis

TA Instruments Affinity ITC (2021)
TA Instruments DSC250 with Cooling Accessory (2021)
TA Instruments TGA 550 (2021)

Other Equipment

Eppendorf "epMotion" Liquid Handling Workstation (2021) (Biology Dept.)
MARS 6 Microwave Digestion System (2021)
Orion 960 Autochemistry Titration System

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