Tennessee Tech Ranked
One of the 250 Best Graduate Schools
Exceptional Programs ↔ Outstanding Outcomes
What makes the Tennessee Tech Graduate College Unique
♦ Customized graduate degrees in a variety of relevant fields
♦ Collaborative and collegial environment
♦ Research driven - research intensive - research excellence
Top Rankings
U.S. News & World Report
Top 130 Online MBA Programs in the Nation
Ranked #140 in Best Public National University
Ranked #277 in Best National University
Ranked in top 250 Graduate Schools (Abound ranking)
Tech graduates leave with the least debt of all public universities in Tennessee.
Tech graduates have the highest early career salary of any public university graduates in Tennessee.
Based on total cost and alumni wage earnings, Tech provides students with the highest return on investment for any public university in Tennessee, and ranks third overall among both private and public universities.
Yes you can afford that graduate degree!
Our competitive credit hour rate can secure your degree
for as little as $19,980! That is a great Return on Investment or ROI in you!
Student Loans and Graduate Assistantships are available.
Can You Get In
Explore each degree program to find out if you meet the qualifications.
The good news is that many programs do not require a GRE. Many programs focus on
your undergraduate GPA.
Business and Management Live Online Showcase Event!
Join us on March 27 at 7:00 PM for a live virtual event. We will be discussing the business, management, and leadership programs offered online. This is a great time for you to find out more about our online programs and ask questions regarding admissions, credit hours, tuition, and other important considerations regarding graduate school at Tennessee Tech.
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