School of Environmental Studies - PSM Fast-Track

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Environmental Informatics Fast Track Program

Get a jump start on your master’s degree by participating in the “Fast-Track” program.

The Fast-Track program is designed to enable students to earn their PSM degree in a short period of time. A junior or senior who opts for the fast-track program may take six hours of graduate coursework prior to admission to the Tennessee Tech graduate degree program. Up to six hours of this graduate coursework, normally taken during the student’s senior year, may be used to satisfy both undergraduate and graduate degree requirements.

These courses must be taken at Tennessee Tech University and must be approved as appropriate substitutions in the undergraduate curriculum as senior electives. The admissions requirements differ by department but include the following:

  • Subject to approval by the students advisor and department chair
  • Meet the department Fast-Track GPA requirements
  • Meet class level standing as required by the department (junior versus senior standing)
  • Any course prerequisites defined by the department

For more information on “jump-starting” your PSM Master’s degree, contact Graduate Studies »

Note: Participation in the Fast-Track program does not guarantee admission into the Master’s degree program. Students must apply for and be admitted to the Graduate College before course credit may be used towards fulfillment of a graduate degree.

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