Julie Galloway
Julie Galloway

Contact Information


Julie  Galloway




College of Business Student Success Center

Email Address:



(931) 372-3371


Foundation Hall (FNDH) 129-3 / Box 5023

Degrees & Certifications

  • M.A., Educational Psychology & Counselor Education, concentration in Student Personnel Services, Tennessee Tech University
  • B.S., Political Science, Tennessee Tech University

Julie Galloway is proud to be among those who came to Tennessee Tech as a student, found a great education, lifelong friends, and a love for the university setting; and decided to stay!  As director of the College of Business Student Success Center, she guides its staff in providing quality academic services like advising, tutoring, and at-risk student support as well as career-readiness programs for  students.  She is a co-advisor for the College of Business Student Ambassadors and is involved in several college and university committees, including the Tennessee Tech Alumni Board of Directors. 

Julie enjoys time with family (husband Chris is a College of Business alum), the outdoors, and making flowers grow.  She is active in her church as a pianist and a leader in preschool and children’s music.