Mary Pashley

Contact Information


Mary  Pashley




Economics, Finance & Marketing

Email Address:


(931) 372-3855


Foundation Hall (FNDH) 117-C / Box 5083


  • PhD, Finance, University of Tennessee Knoxville
  • MBA, Finance, University of Tennessee Knoxville
  • MS, Management Science, University of Tennessee Knoxville
  • BA, Mathematics Vanderbilt University
  • BA, Theatre, Vanderbilt University

Teaching, Research, and Professional Areas

  • Corporate Finance
  • Personal Finance
  • Pedagogical Issues in Finance
  • Component Costs of Capital
  • Electronic Payments in Healthcare
  • Financial Literacy for Senior Americans

Dr. Pashley was the first woman to earn a PhD in the discipline of finance at UT-Knoxville and was the first female tenure-track faculty member in finance at Tennessee Tech. Over her career, she has taught corporate finance at the undergraduate introductory, intermediate and advanced levels and at the MBA level.  She has taught investments, portfolio theory, and personal finance at the undergraduate level. She was the Associate Director of the Tennessee Tech University Honors program for five years and served in leadership capacities in the Tennessee Honors Council and the National Collegiate Honors Council.  Her research has been in areas including divestitures, bond covenant restrictions, neural networks, mergers and acquisitions, pedagogical issues in finance, and strategic outsourcing. She has published in journals such as Financial Management, Applied Economics, Applied Financial Economics, Corporate Finance Review, Financial Practice and Education, and Journal of Business Finance and Accounting. Dr. Pashley served multiple leadership roles with Beta Gamma Sigma business honor society for about 20 years, including eleven years as the Tennessee Tech Chapter Faculty Advisor/Secretary/Treasurer. Dr. Pashley currently serves as a Faculty Advisor for the Society for the Advancement of Finance and Economics (SAFE) student club.