Erin Hoover
Dr. Erin Hoover

Contact Information


Erin  Hoover


Assistant Professor



Email Address:


(931) 372-3314


Henderson Hall (HEND) 318A


Erin Hoover holds a Ph.D. from Florida State University and an M.F.A. from University of Oregon.  She is the author of Barnburner, winner of Elixir Press’s Antivenom Poetry Award and a Florida Book Award in Poetry. Her second collection, No Spare People, was published in 2023 by Black Lawrence Press. Her poems have been anthologized in The Best American Poetry and Best New Poets, and featured by Ours Poetica.  They have appeared in journals such as Cincinnati Review, Poetry Northwest, Shenandoah, and The Sun.

Dr. Hoover teaches courses in creative writing and literary editing, including the Iris Review course, among others. She advises the Certificate in Editing and Publishing offered at Tennessee Tech and coordinates writing prizes for the English Department. 

Dr. Hoover's research interests include poetry writing, gender and 20th/21st century poetics, literary and professional editing, and issues of equity in publishing. In addition to teaching, she has worked as an editor, journalist, fundraiser, and public relations director. 

In 2025, she is the program chair for the Appalachian Studies Association Conference, when it will be hosted at Tennessee Tech.