Queen Ogbomo

Contact Information


Dr. Queen  Ogbomo


Associate Professor


Curriculum & Instruction

Email Address:





Bartoo Hall, Rm. 311 / Box 5042

Research Interests


Dr. Queen Ogbomo is an Associate Professor in Curriculum & Instruction at Tennessee Tech University. She teaches undergraduate Student Engagement and Professional Seminar courses to elementary pre-service teachers. Dr. Ogbomo also teaches Perspectives in American Education and Philosophy and public policy graduate courses.

Dr. Ogbomo serves as a reviewer for the International Academic Forum’s (IAFOR) Journal of Education—Studies in Education, and a reviewer for IAFOR’s Technology in Education. Her most recent co-authored book and article include Meeting the Challenge of edTPA: A resource built by you, and Preservice teachers’ perceptions regarding participation in a community -based STEM night in the International Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology learning.

Her areas of interests and publications include minority and multicultural education; mathematics and literature connection; teacher education programs and assessment; science and literacy education as well as STEM education best practices. She also continues to pursue research in online distance learning, culturally relevant pedagogy, preservice and in-service teacher professional development and the recruitment and retention of teachers of color. Her current projects include, recruiting and retaining student from underrepresented groups to the College of Education & Human Sciences; Promoting STEM education among minoritized students in higher education; grant writing; and taking students study abroad.

Degrees and Certifications

  • PhD, Science Museums/Centers and Professional Development: Teachers' self reflection on improving their practice, Indiana State University
  • MA, Mathematics and Literacy Connection, Eastern Illinois University