School of Music - Saxophone

Saxophone Studio

Saxophone Choir and Quartets

The studio ensembles often perform in department recitals, community events, and nationally renowned chamber ensemble competitions, including The Fischoff National Chamber Competition, the Plowman Chamber Music Competition and the Music Teachers National Association Chamber Competitions.


About the Studio

Applied Saxophone Lessons

Private lesson times will be arranged at the beginning of each semester. Please submit a PDF of your graphic schedule to Dr. Younglove before the first day of class. Each student will receive either a thirty-minute or sixty-minute lesson each week, depending on the section the student registers for. All music majors received an hour-long lessons. The goal for each student is to become a proficient, well-rounded saxophonist while also developing her/his skills pertaining to the intuitive and creative aspects of excellent musicianship and work habits that lead to career success. Technical aspects of performance will be addressed through exercises (i.e. scales, arpeggios, etc.), etudes, and standard repertoire, and will focus on the development of characteristic tone, technical facility, intonation, and sight-reading. Aesthetics in musical performance will be addressed through the study of lyrical etudes, appropriate repertoire, careful examination of recordings and live performance, and performance in chamber ensembles.

All saxophone majors will focus on classical and jazz study. The percentage of each will be determined based upon student’s interests, ensemble participation, and direction from Dr. Younglove.

Your Weekly Lesson

It is recommended that you attempt to build some free time into your schedule prior to your lesson, allowing for adequate time to warm up and focus your energy. Please treat each lesson as if it were a performance! One lesson each week is not much time, so you must be prepared to "perform", meaning that you have practiced, made sure that your horn and reed is in the best possible condition, and that you have the music needed for that week.
Until you have prepared, it will be difficult for you to make any progress as a saxophonist. It would also behoove you to tape your lessons. This is an excellent way to gain insight into your playing. I will have a tape player and microphone set up, and all you need to bring is a blank cassette. YOU NEED TO BRING ALL BOOKS, MUSIC, ETC. TO EVERY LESSON!


You cannot cram for performance! You must build practice time into your schedule as if it were a regular class, and you must set clear, specific goals for each practice session. I am not of the belief that you must practice for a certain amount of time in order to make progress. However, if your goals are high in quality and quantity, you should be spending plenty of time in the practice room! Consistency is paramount! Skipping even one day of practicing will drastically reduce your progress.

Repertory Class

In addition to weekly lessons, all saxophone students meet periodically for a studio class. Each of these meetings will be totally different, but will mainly deal with lectures on a variety of topics, student performances, and performances by myself or visiting performers. YOU MUST ALWAYS BRING YOUR HORN, NOTEBOOK, AND ANY REQUIRED TEXTS TO REPERTORY CLASS.


I know all to well how difficult it is to live on a student's budget, but it is important to own the proper equipment and repertoire. I understand if you do not already own these items, but expect that, with time, you will be able to invest in them, as they are all invaluable "tools of the trade." It is mandatory that you own the following:

  • Professional or quality intermediate alto saxophone
  • Selmer Larry Teal, S-80, S-90, or Vandoren Optimum mouthpiece
  • Quality Ligature (i.e. Vandoren Optimum or BG Traditional/Gold)
  • Quality jazz mouthpiece (i.e. Meyer 5)
  • Quality metronome and tuner (bring to every lesson)
  • Beveled-edge reed knife
  • Quality classical and jazz reeds

Music: Numerous solos (assigned individually)

Quality etude book (Ferling, Mule, Bozza, etc.)
"Charlie Parker Omnibook"


  • "The Jazz Theory Book", by Mark Levine
  • "The Art of Saxophone Playing", by Larry Teal
  • "The Saxophone Workbook", by Larry Teal
  • "Scales for Jazz Improvisation", by Dan Hearle


As many jazz and classical recordings you can afford! You must listen in order to be an informed performer!

School Instruments

All saxophone majors are expected to become proficient on all of the instruments in the saxophone family, with the exception of the sopranino, bass, and contrabass. Consequently, you will probably need to use a school-owned instrument. You are expected to treat it as well as you would treat your own horn, and notify me if it is in need of repairs. I will periodically play-test all school saxophones.


Tennessee Tech Saxophone Association

The members of the Saxophone Studio make up the Tennessee Tech University Saxophone Association (TTUSA).

Throughout the school year, the Tennessee TechSA sells hand-crafted saxophone mutes and other fundraising activities to help support the constantly expanding studio.


Helpful Links for Saxophone Players

North American Saxophone Alliance: Professional organization for saxophone performers, educators, and students.

Prowinds: General Supplies

1Stop Clarinet and Sax Shop: General Supplies; normally has the cheapest reeds.

Woodwind Brasswind: Your Everything Music Store

Jeanné, Inc: Printed Sheet Music

Dorn Publications: Saxophone Sheet Music

Classic Sax: Saxophone Sheet Music


Contact Studio

Dr. Matthew Younglove, Assistant Professor
Phone: 931-372-3775
Office: Bryan Fine Arts Building 210


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