Honors Program - About the Honors Enrichment Program

Honors Program Enrichment Option (HPEO)

The Honors Program Enrichment Option (HPEO) is a dynamic and integral part of the Honors Academic Scholarship (HAS), designed to enrich students' academic journey through a structured framework of 60 hours of diverse activities per semester. With a progression from straightforward units in the first semester to a broad spectrum of service, leadership, and scholarly activities in subsequent years, HPEO cultivates personal growth, organization, and responsibility among students, offering alternatives far beyond conventional job or work assignments.

What is HPEO?

  • HPEO is a requirement for students who have the Honors Academic Scholarship (HAS).
  • HPEO requires 60 hours of diverse activities per semester, divided into three unique categories called "units."
  • During first semester, HPEO begins with simple, straightforward "units".  The options for completing the HPEO units expand in Unit 2 for spring semester.
  • In sophomore through senior years, HPEO offers a wide variety of service, leadership, and scholarly options from which to choose.
  • Students enjoy HPEO because it offers more meaningful, interesting alternatives to a simple job or work assignment.  Examples of options include academic research with a faculty member, leadership of a student organization, conference presentation, student mentorship, and community service.
  • HPEO requires of the student a high level of personal organization, good time-management skills, and personal responsibility.

Who is eligible for HPEO?

  • Have and maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.50, and
  • Take at least one Honors course or credit-bearing opportunity each semester until all Honors credit requirements are completed, and
  • Have fulfilled successfully all previous semesters of HPEO obligations and service, and
  • Are receiving the Honors Academic Scholarship.

What are my responsibilities when doing HPEO?

  • At the beginning of each semester, you must decide which options to pursue for each unit of HPEO, and submit a commitment form by the deadline.
  • You need to familiarize yourself with the rules of HPEO and the procedures to use in reporting progress for each of the units.
  • You must be conscientious in carrying out all of the commitments and obligations agreed to on the commitment form.
  • You must report and document all activities and progress in a timely manner, adhering to published deadlines.
  • You must communicate with Mrs. Roberts, the Co-curricular Coordinator, regarding any problems, situations, or questions that arise during the semester. 

Maintaining HPEO Eligibility

  • You have one GPA semester of grace with HPEO - one semester during which you may continue in HPEO even if your cumulative GPA falls below 3.50 but remains at least 3.1.
  • For the HAS, the semester of grace can be any semester, but may occur only once.
  • After the semester of grace, a cumulative GPA below 3.50 results in the loss of eligibility to participate in HPEO (and loss of the HAS award).


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