Faculty Resources
What's an Honors Faculty Liaison?
The Honors Liaison in your field is responsible for being aware of Honors opportunities,
particularly the range of ways that you can earn Honors credit. They should serve
as an advocate for Honors students in their department, helping other faculty become
familiar with proposal-based offerings, and stimulating interest in participation
in Honors teaching.
Please introduce yourself to the chair of your department if no Honors Liaison is
listed. This list changes as faculty responsibilities change, so updates will be made
as soon as new information becomes available.
Honors Faculty Liaisons
Agriculture & Human Ecology
All Majors: Dr. Dennis Duncan — dduncan@tntech.edu
Arts & Sciences
Biology: Dr. Brad Cook — sbcook@tntech.edu
Chemistry: Mrs. Ann Marie Carrick —acarrick@tntech.edu
Earth Sciences: Dr. Lauren Michel — lmichel@tntech.edu
English: Dr. Paulina Bounds pbounds@tntech.edu
Foreign Languages: Dr. Martin Sheehan —msheehan@tntech.edu
History: Dr. Susan Laningham — slaningham@tntech.edu
Mathematics: Dr. Rick Le Borne — rleborne@tntech.edu
Physics: Dr. Mary Kidd — mkidd@tntech.edu
Sociology & Political Science: Dr. Lauren Harding — lharding@tntech.edu
Students in Business majors not listed may consult one of the liaisons below for guidance.
Economics, Finance, & Marketing: Dr. Meral Anitsal — manitsal@tntech.edu
Economics: Dr. Sean Alley — salley@tntech.edu
Fine Arts
Art: Ms. Kim Winkle — kwinkle@tntech.edu
Music: Dr. Matthew Younglove — myounglove@tntech.edu
Curriculum & Instruction: Dr. Amy Callender — amycallender@tntech.edu
EXPW: Dr. Michael Phillips — mbphillips@tntech.edu
Counseling & Psychology: Dr. Derrick Edwards — dedwards@tntech.edu
Basic Engineering: Dr. Chris Wilson — ChrisWilson@tntech.edu
Chemical: Dr. Robby Sanders — rsanders@tntech.edu
Civil & Environmental: Dr. Alfred Kalyanapu — akalyanapu@tntech.edu and Dr. Tania Datta — tdatta@tntech.edu
Computer Science: Dr. Jerry Gannod — jgannod@tntech.edu
Electrical & Computer: Dr. J. W. Bruce — jwbruce@tntech.edu
Manufacturing & Engineering Technology: Department Chair Dr. Fred Vondra — fvondra@tntech.edu
Mechanical: Dr. Sally Pardue — spardue@tntech.edu
Dr. Barbara Jared — bjared@tntech.edu
Interdisciplinary Studies
Environmental Studies: Dr. Tammy Boles — tboles@tntech.edu
Department of Interdisciplinary Studies: Dr. Steve Frye — sfrye@tntech.edu
Communication: Dr. Brenda Wilson — BrendaWilson@tntech.edu
Undecided or considering another major? Talk to the Liaison in the major you are considering.