iLearn - Discussion Statistics

Discussion Statistics in iLearn

View the statistics in the Discussions area. The information is broken down by Users and Forums and Topics.

Accessing Discussion Statistics

  1. Go to Discussions
  2. Select the Statistics link at the top of the page.
    1. Users tab – allows you to view the number of threads (original posts) an individual created, number of replies, posts read (including their own), if there are any unapproved posts (if moderated), and scored posts.
      1. To get more information about the student by Forums and Topics, select the student’s name.
    2. Forums and Topics tab – allows you to view the total number of threads created, replies, pinned posts, unapproved posts (if moderated), scored posts, post ratings (if enabled) by forum and by topic.

Export Discussions Statistics

  • To export the summary of each User’s statistics, select the Users tab and then the Export to CSV File button. Either select Open or Save As to view (or save) the file.
  • To export the summary of the Forums and Topics statistics, select the Forums and Topics tab and then the Export to CSV File Either select Open or Save As to view (or save) the file.