iLearn - Quiz Statistics

Quiz Statistics in iLearn

There are some very detailed statistics available for Quizzes for the User and Questions. There is also a Quiz Attempt Log that details more about the student’s specific attempt.

Accessing Quiz Statistics

  1. Go to the Quizzes
  2. Select the Statistics link at the top of the page
  3. Select the Quiz you would like to view
    • You can also select the arrow to the right of the quiz and choose Statistics.

Available Statistics

  • User Stats – displays the score distribution, class average, and each participant's grade on a quiz.
  • Question Stats - display the score distribution, average score, standard deviation, discrimination index, and point biserial on a question.
  • Question Details - display each question, the correct answer, the percentage of times each answer was selected, as well as the average grade, standard deviation, point biserial, and discrimination index.

Exporting Quiz Statistics

  • Each tab listed has it’s own button to Export to CSV or Export to Excel. Select the appropriate tab and then choose the export option. Either select Open or Save As to view (or save) the file.

Accessing Quiz Logs

The iLearn quiz tool allows you to view more details about quiz attempts and submissions.

Class Attempt Log

  1. Select the arrow to the right of the Quiz
  2. Choose Attempt Logs
    1. Overview – view when each student entered the quiz or completed it. Also view who deleted a quiz attempt, or who restored a deleted quiz attempt. Delete and Restore are only options for instructor-level users.
    2. Detailed - view all of the above (Overview) information at once, plus student IP Addresses and when each answer was saved.

Student Attempt Log

The Quizzes Event Log shows a more detailed view of a student’s quiz activity. It has information about the quiz, when they entered the quiz and completed the quiz, as well as when they answered each question. By choosing the show IP address checkbox, you can view their IP address when they were taking the test.

  1. Go to the Quiz list
  2. Select the arrow to the right of the quiz and choose Grade
  3. Select the attempt link under the student’s name
  4. Click the Quizzes Event Log link in the attempt details.