Carson Crouch

Carson Crouch

For Carson Crouch, there was only one obvious choice when picking his major. Since he was young, being a communication major with a concentration in sports journalism has been the goal.Carson Crouch in WTTU radio studio

“I’ve always been interested in sports, but I never really wanted to play any sports at the collegiate level,” he explained. “I decided to go with radio and TV, mainly TV, that way I can cover sports and watch them, but also have a job out of it.”  

In choosing his major, Crouch has been building his resume throughout his college career. He is WTTU’s Sports News Director, which is Tech’s student radio station. This gives him experience in radio and TV covering a variety of sports and sets him up for his future career aspirations.

“My future goal is to be a news anchor after school,” he said. “If not, definitely somewhere in sports journalism, whether it is radio or broadcasting.”

As WTTU’s Sports News Director, Crouch explains what it’s like to prep for these events.

“When prepping for like a play-by-play call, which would be radio on the sidelines, you definitely want to keep up with who they’re playing against, recent injury, sports stats, pretty much everything in between,” he described. “When prepping for a TV show, you want to make sure you have your script down in order – no mistakes – and it’s got to sound like you because it’s your words.”

Carson Crouch reporting on a Tech basketball game

Carson Crouch credits Teddy Burch, assistant professor at Tennessee Tech, for being someone that has influenced him greatly and helped him throughout his college career.

“We went to D.C. last year for some awards and being able to talk with him about certain things, kind of where he’s come from, with that one-on-one aspect,” he said. “Also, he’s helped me out with trying to progress to where I’m trying to get, and that’s ultimately trying to be a news anchor.”

Along with his involvement within his major, Crouch immersed himself in the campus community at Tech too. He is a campus tour guide, recruitment chair for Kappa Sigma fraternity, president of the Society for Collegiate Journalists (SCJ) and participates heavily in intramurals.  

“[SCJ] is a lot of fellow journalism and communication majors that want to submit for awards,” Carson Crouch said. “We go and submit to Washington, New York and things like that.”

He reminisces on his college experience, which he feels goes by too fast, and offers advice.

“Take every minute,” he encouraged. “Don’t take anything for granted.”

Carson Crouch builds on his advice for communication and journalism majors at Tech.

“Definitely take advantage of the opportunities that are given, the hands-on experience and work that you can put in,” he said. “You really can do anything you want to.” 

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