Center for Global Experiences - Service Hour Options

Service Hour Options


Recipients of the TN Tech Study Abroad Travel Reimbursement must completesarah safair 10 hours of service with the Center for Global Experiences in promoting study abroad opportunities so that's $100 an hour....not bad!!!

Here are a few opportunities you can do to serve your hours. Also, as you do these activities, please fill out the Service Hours Summary Form, then once completed, turn it in to the Center for Global Experiences.


Hours Detail Credit Hours
Refer a friend to the study abroad office.  For verification they must include your name when they schedule an appointment on TechConnect (limit 2) 1
Going to a class and talking about study abroad experience For this you would go to a class or club meeting and give a testimony regarding your experience abroad. 2
Write a paper on your experience 400-words with 3-4 photos 2
Work at the SOAR sessions There are approx. 8-10 sessions in the summer- talk to freshman and parents about study abroad opportunities at TN Tech 2 each
Work at the Study Abroad Fair 3rd Week in September up to 7
Be a Global Ambassador Be a Mentor to a new incoming international student. See this the Global Ambassadors page for details. up to 10
Do a Blog/Vlog while abroad Do 10 blog posts of 200 words each with pics or 5 vlog posts of 3-5 minutes each that would give a new student a good idea of what to expect. up to 10 




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