Welcome to the Center for ESL (C.E.S.L.)
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Do I have to be an international student to study at CESL?
No! You do not need to be an F-1 student to study English as a Second Language.
Intensive English Program
Tennessee Tech's new Center for English as a Second Language started Fall 2021 on August 16th! We have been open 2 years!!
check the upcoming dates here:
Students will take 20 hours of instruction in:
- Reading & Vocabulary
- Writing
- Listening & Speaking
- Grammar
- Electives like Idioms, American Culture, Test Prep. or Pronunciation.
C.E.S.L. Courses (levels 1-5)
An ESL program, generally referred to as an Intensive English Program (IEP) in the U.S., is a language program in which the classes are non-credit. There will be two 7-week terms in Spring and Fall semesters. The Summer term will be 10 weeks, with 1 session for 10 weeks, or two 5 week sessions.
20 hours of contact time is the minimum requirement by the USCIS/ SEVP.
The C.E.S.L. program at Tech will be 20 hours per week, each session will be 7-weeks. PLEASE NOTE: Summer classes are 5 weeks (10 weeks for the summer — it follows the dormitories availability).
The cost for 20 hours for 7 weeks is: $2400
ESL + Pathway
Students in Level 4 and 5 can enroll in specific academic courses at Tennessee Tech University as part of the Pathway program.
C.E.S.L. Schedule (Levels 1, 2 & 3)
9 pm - 10 pm | Writing | Writing | Writing | Writing | Pronunciation |
10 pm - 11 pm | Listening & Speaking | Listening & Speaking | Listening & Speaking | Listening & Speaking | American Culture |
11 pm - 12:30 pm | Break | Break | Break | Break | Break |
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm | Grammar | Grammar | Grammar | Grammar | Conversations |
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm | Reading & Vocabulary | Reading & Vocabulary | Reading & Vocabulary | Reading & Vocabulary | American Films |