Center for Career Development - Employers


Thank you for your interest in recruiting at Tennessee Tech! We use a career database, Handshake, for all recruiting. Handshake is an online career database used by 700 different colleges and universities nationwide and is completely free for employers. Your first step to connecting with Tech students is to get set up in Handshake!

Employer & Recruiting Guide Career Fair Calendar

About the Center for Career Development

We help employers connect with current students, recent graduates, and alumni through our on-line job posting and interview management system Handshake, which gives you the ability to

      • Post full-time professional positions, co-op jobs, and internships
      • Request On-Campus Interview dates
      • Search and review student and alumni resumes




First, you'll want to create an account with Handshake. Once you've created your account, you'll need to create an employer profile for your company. Finally, when your user account and employer profile are created, you should request a connection with Tennessee Tech University and any other schools you're interested in recruiting with. For detailed instructions on each part of this process, please check out this helpful article.

After completing the steps above, our Center for Career Development staff will review your connection request with Tennessee Tech University. If approved, you can post jobs, request employer hosted events, reserve on campus interview, and register for career fairs.

Employer Login

How to Create an Employer Account on Handshake

Video Guide

Written Guide

Got questions?
Check out the Handshake Help Center.
Please call (931) 372-3232, or email for assistance.


Alex Callis

Alex Callis

Assistant Director
(931) 372-3266
Email ›

Office Hours:
8am to 4:30pm Central

Street Address:
1000 N. Dixie Ave
Cookeville, TN 38505
Roaden University Center (RUC) rm 328



Check out Tennessee Tech's part-time, co-op, internship, fellowship and full-time job gateway for all majors. Current students use your Tennessee Tech email credentials to sign in.

Check It Out