Center for Career Development - Recruiter of the Year

Recruiter of the Year Award

Established in 2024, Tennessee Tech University’s Center for Career Development wants to recognize each year one of our employer partners who went above and beyond to recruit our talented students to their organization! Companies are judged on many factors including: on campus recruiting events (attending career fairs, employer specialty events, interview days), participating in our Career Readiness Workshops, being active on Handshake through messages and job postings, and other recruiting initiatives. If your company is interested in learning more about this award, please email Alex Callis at Also, please click the link below to see our past recipients of the Recruiter of the Year Award!



Recruiter of the year award is brought to you by the Center for Career Development at Tennessee Tech University.



Check out Tennessee Tech's part-time, co-op, internship, fellowship and full-time job gateway for all majors. Current students use your Tennessee Tech email credentials to sign in.

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