History - Student Organizations

Student Organizations

Phi Alpha Theta

Dr. Susan Laningham, Faculty Advisor | Email: slaningham@tntech.edu
Phi Alpha Theta is the national history honor society, with more that 839 chapters in fifty states, more than any other accredited four-year college honor society. Membership includes both faculty and students. To be considered for membership, students must have a minimum of twelve hours of history with at least a 3.1 GPA in their history courses and at least a 3.0 overall GPA. The majority of student members are history majors, although students who meet the requirements may come from any discipline.

The Kappa Tau chapter of Phi Alpha Theta, founded at Tennessee Tech in 1965, is an especially active chapter. Kappa Tau's yearly activities include participation in the Phi Alpha Theta Regional Conference, at which a number of our students have received "Best Research Paper" awards. Activities also include a semi-annual book sale, field trips to cultural and historical sites; hosting the annual History Department fall welcome party; bringing speakers to campus; and twice-weekly tutoring for history survey courses.

New members are chosen each year and inducted in the spring at the Phi Alpha Theta Induction Banquet, attended by current student members, alumni, and faculty. Membership in Phi Alpha Theta requires a commitment to the promotion of history through the encouragement of research, effective teaching, publication, and the exchange of ideas. Qualified students may contact Dr. Susan Laningham, faculty advisor of the Kappa Tau chapter of Phi Alpha Theta at slaningham@tntech.edu.

Tennessee Tech History Club

Dr. Laura Smith, Faculty Advisor | Email: lesmith@tntech.edu
The Tennessee Tech History Club is a student organization open to all Tennessee Tech students. We especially encourage the participation of those who may not be history majors, but who share an interest in learning more about the past. Activities include field trips, film showings, service activities, potluck dinners, trivia nights, guest speakers, and other social gatherings.

The History Club is dedicated to promoting the love of history throughout the University and the local community. Students who are interested in learning more about the club should contact the faculty advisor, Dr. Laura Smith at lesmith@tntech.edu.

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