Sociology & Political Science - Sociology Program

Sociology Program

As a social science, sociology combines scientific and humanistic perspectives to identify, describe, explain and understand the connections between the social forces that help shape who we are, what we believe, how we behave, and how we choose to live our lives. The Sociology Major at Tennessee Tech University leads to the Bachelor of Science Degree and offers three tracks: a Bachelor of Science in Sociology; a Bachelor of Science in Sociology with a concentration in Criminology and Criminal Justice; and a Bachelor of Science in Sociology with a concentration in Social Work.


  • General Sociology Track

    The general sociology option allows you the flexibility and freedom to pursue your personal interests. The broader perspective learned in this option will prepare you to adapt to a rapidly changing world and a variety of work environments. General sociology provides excellent preparation for graduate or law school or a career in areas such as government, law enforcement, health care, or social services, administrative management, public relations, international relations, business consultation, city management, evaluation research, child welfare, and gerontology.

    To complete the general sociology track:

    In addition to the required core of 27 hours, students will complete an additional 21 hours of elective courses chosen from courses with a sociology, criminal justice, or social work prefix. 

    Total hours in the major: 48.

    Total hours of sociology/SW/CJ courses: 36-45.


    Total hours required for graduation: 120 (at least 36 hours must be upper division [3000 or 4000 level]).

    General sociology Curriculum Plan 

  • Criminology & Criminal Justice Track

    Those who complete the B.S. degree will have a sound foundation that prepares them to compete for positions in corrections, homeland security, law enforcement, and social service agencies, or for admission to law school. Students gain an understanding of the origins of criminal activity (i.e., criminology) as well as develop in-depth knowledge on the administration of justice. 

    The concentration in criminology and criminal justice has three primary goals. First, it is intended to further the goal of professional education within a liberal arts framework. Second, it is designed to promote an understanding of the relationships between social control, the social structure and the criminal justice system. Third, the concentration is designed to allow sufficient flexibility for career alternatives, yet provide a core of substantive criminal justice coursework.

    The criminology and criminal justice concentration provides a strong foundation of courses dedicated to key components of the criminal justice system as well as includes classes focused on discussing contemporary topics affecting the field such as: crime and media, cybercrime, domestic abuse, and white-collar crime.

    To complete the criminology and criminal justice concentration:

    In addition to the required core of 27 hours, students will also be required to take:

    CJ 2660 Criminology (3hrs)
    CJ 2700 Introduction to Law Enforcement (3hrs)
    CJ 2850 Criminal Law & Procedure (3hrs)
    CJ 3650 Juvenile Delinquency (3hrs)
    CJ 3610 Adv. Criminal Procedure (3hrs)
    CJ 4660 Corrections (3hrs)
    PHIL 1030: Intro. to Phil. (3hrs)
    POLS 1000 American Government (3hrs)
    Students will compete an additional 12 hours of elective courses at the upper division level chosen from courses with a sociology, criminal justice, or social work prefix. The SOC/CRCJ major includes 36 upper division hours.

    Total hours in the major: 63.

    Total hours of sociology/SW/CJ courses: 45-54.

    Total hours required for graduation: 120 (at least 36 hours must be upper division [3000 or 4000 level]).


  • Social Work Concentration

    The Department of Sociology and Political Science offers a social work concentration within the Sociology major for those students interested in careers in social work.

    Social work is a "helping profession" that assists people who face difficult problems. Some social workers do their work in family service agencies dealing with marriage, health and child welfare problems. Others work in a medical setting providing assistance to patients and their relatives during a health crisis or a death. Still others work in the area of corrections, assisting juvenile and adult law violators in rehabilitation. Social workers can also be found in public welfare agencies assisting the poor and disabled and in industry assisting employees with chemical abuse problems.

    To complete the social work concentration:

    In addition to the required core of 27 hours, students will also be required to take:

    SW 1800: Intro. to Social Work (3hrs)
    SW 4100: Probation & Parole (3hrs)
    SW 4900: Internship (3hrs)
    SW 4120: Case Management (3hrs)
    PHIL 2250: Intro. to Ethics (3hrs)
    POLS 1000: American Gov. (3hrs)
    PSY 2010: Intro. to Psy. (3hrs) 

    PSY Additional Course (3) or EDPY 2200: Edu. Psy. (3hrs)
    Students will complete an additional 15 hours of elective courses chosen from courses with a sociology, criminal justice, or social work prefix. A minimum of 9 hours must be at the upper division level.

    Total hours in the major: 57.

    Total hours of sociology/SW/CJ courses: 42-51.

    Total hours required for graduation: 120 (at least 36 hours must be upper division [3000 or 4000 level])

    Social Work Curriculum Plan

  • Contact Us

    Coordinator and Department Chair

    Dr. Lori Maxwell
    Office: 309 Daniel Hall
    Phone: (931) 372-3437

    Coordinator, Criminology and Criminal Justice:

    Dr. Makeela Wells
    Office: 319 Daniel Hall
    Phone: (931) 372-3820

    Coordinator, Social Work Option:

    Shelley Brown
    Office: 301 Daniel Hall
    Phone: (931) 372-6122

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