Extended Programs & Regional Development - About

About Extended Programs & Regional Development

Tennessee Tech created EPRD & IS to provide interdisciplinary opportunities, innovative degrees/programs, rapid response to student need, and the technological infrastructure for faculty who create distance-learning course delivery systems. Known for its flexibility, which allows it to respond rapidly to marketplace demands, EPRD & IS delivers courses and programs either through electronic distance learning, at off-campus sites throughout our service area, or in the evenings or on weekends. Providing greater access to a college degree through high-quality educational alternatives is EPRD & IS’s mission.

PARTNERSHIPS are the foundation of the School of IS and EPRD. Collaboration with campus academic and administrative units, as well as with numerous external partners, results in many student successes.

EPRD & IS work to boost ACCESS by finding alternatives to the traditional college experience in Tennessee through distance learning and partnerships with other schools at off-campus locations, making a college education more accessible to more Tennesseeans. Through a constantly growing system of educational alternatives to the traditional classroom, EPRD & IS have partnered with campus schools and colleges to increase Tennessee Tech's DISTANCE EDUCATION annual seat count dramatically.

EPRD & IS coordinate the University's involvement in the Regents Online Degree Program, which also allows students to earn a degree closer to home. The online program can be completed anywhere, anytime, making it easier for people already in the workforce to complete degrees.

To help increase the number of Tennesseeans earning degrees at the baccalaureate level, EPRD & IS partnered to develop a program called "2+2". The 2+2 program allows students who have earned their associate’s degrees to immediately move on to upper-level coursework – and to continue their studies at their home college. Programs designed to help FINISH YOUR DEGREE, such as the baccalaureates in Professional Studies and Interdisciplinary Studies, offer personalized options for students with transfer or accumulated credit.

A commitment to life-long learning through PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT can make the difference between a satisfying career and one that simply pays the bills. EPRD & IS offers non-degree programs that range from career starts, like our emergency medical services training, to mid-career jumpstarts and tune-ups, like the conferences we hold annually for area teachers and other school personnel.

Continuing education doesn't always have to take the form of a formal degree program. Some people simply need to pick up a new skill or want to learn more about a single topic. Non-credit PERSONAL ENRICHMENT courses that range from the history of England to gardening to photography are offered each semester.

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