Respondus LockDown Browser
Educator Resources
NOTE: Using Respondus Lockdown Browser in iLearn?
Do not forget if you are using Respondus Lockdown Browser that you must enter the Lockdown Browser Dashboard at least once every semester. To find LockDown Browser:
- Login to iLearn through TechExpress
- Select the Quizzes link under Assessments at the Top
- Once in the Quiz tool select LockDown Browser from the option menu
If it is the first time you have entered the Dashboard you should get a success message and you are done. Make sure you do this at least once before your upcoming quiz to avoid any issues.
- "Fix It" Errors
In D2L, a "Fix it" error can occur for a few reasons. These include:
- You delete or change the "requires Respondus LockDown Browser" text from the quiz title.
- If any quizzes in the course have a timer setting greater than 999. It does not matter if the timer setting is enabled or not. All that matters is the setting greater than 999 is present in the quiz's options. The solution is to first lower the timer settings for all quizzes in the course, then open the LockDown Browser Dashboard. At that point, click "Fix it" for all quizzes that display an error.
- When the grace period for the exam is set to a value of 0. In this case, the workaround is to change the grace period to 1, click the "Fix-it" button in the LockDown Browser Dashboard, and then set the grace period back to 0.
- The course is a new copy of an older course that had quizzes with the "legacy" LockDown Browser settings. In this case, the "Fix it" error indicates the quiz title needs to be updated to include the "requires Respondus LockDown Browser" banner amendment.
Operating Systems
- Windows: 10, 8, 7. Details
- Mac: MacOS 10.12 or higher.
- iOS: 11.0+ (iPad only). Must have a compatible LMS integration. Details
- Windows: 75 MB permanent space on the hard drive
- Mac: 120 MB permanent space on the hard drive
Browser Requirements
- LockDown Browser is a client application that is installed to a local computer. Both the Windows edition and the Mac edition of the browser are based on Chromium, Google's open source framework. Students do NOT need Google's Chrome browser installed; nor will this version affect a Chrome browser that's already installed.
At Tennessee Tech University, we believe that all students should have equal technology opportunities in the classroom. The following list includes technologies that may appear in Tennessee Tech courses and the accessibility information for each of those technologies.
Additional Assistance
Please contact the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning at or call x3675.