Center for Counseling and Mental Health Wellness - Workshops and Outreaches

Groups, Workshops & Outreaches

The Center for Counseling and Mental Health Wellness is proud to host several different workshop series each Fall and Spring semester.  Many of these can be found on the Eagle Wellness Portal.  Please make sure you email the clinical staff associated with each group that you are planning to attend to ensure the most up to date log in for Zoom.

You will not need to do this for IG Live.

Current Groups, Workshops and Trainings

  1. Digital Student Success Workshops (see below) Including Alcohol and Drug Jeopardy by
  2. QPR Suicide Prevention Trainings in the RUC Multi-Purpose Room on the 2nd floor.  (see below)
  3. Skill Building Workshops in the RUC Center for Counseling and Mental Health Wellness Eagle Resource Room (These are currently in a Video Conference Format)
  4. Interactive Skill Building Workshops and Support Groups are available to all TN Tech students on Zoom. 

You can find out more information on the Eagle Wellness Portal at  Contact the office at or the clinical staff member for additional information.

WellTrack Interactive Therapy


WellTrack Self-Help Interactive Therapy for Tennessee Tech Students

QPR Suicide Prevention Trainings

Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) is an interactive Suicide Prevention Training offered by the TN Tech Center for Counseling and Mental Health Wellness several times every semester as a part of the #HopeStrongEagles Prevention Program. It is important to recognize that anyone and everyone can do their part in the Prevention of Suicide on Campus and in the Community.  Ask a Question, Save a Life. If you would like to schedule a QPR Suicide Prevention Training for your staff or students, please reach out to Angela Rector at

Scheduled Trainings: 

› January 30th in RUC Room 246
› February 20th in RUC Room 371
› March 13th in RUC Room 371
› April 16th in RUC Room 101

All trainings will take place from 11AM to 12PM.

Support Groups


Many LGBTQI+ individuals experience negative mental health issues due to the prejudice and other biases they face, even the act of coming out is surrounded by fear for many. In fact, research suggests that queer people experience mental health conditions at a rate almost 3 times higher than the general population.

Without mental health we cannot be healthy. It is our hope that LGBTQI+ individuals find this support group to be a safe outlet for them to discuss these challenges and find a sense of community online. We want LGBTQI+ students at Tech to not just make it through their time here, but to flourish.

This group is open to anyone who identifies anywhere on the LGBTQI+ spectrum, including those who don’t know what that means for them! All students are welcome to come and be accepted as themselves.

For info about this group, please email

Adulting 1010

A safe space to talk about stress when it comes to "the real world." Adjusting to living away from home for the first time, planning meals on a budget, trying to stay on top of your classes while also maintaining a social life, or you're about to graduate college and have no idea what you're doing; whatever it is you're going through - this is the group for you! Facilitated by Tessa Benefield, LPC/MHSP and Ben Higgins, LPC/MHSP. Please email or for more information and prior to attending this group!

Radiate Body Positivity 

The Radiate Body Positivity group is a support group dedicated to fostering self-acceptance and celebrating diverse body types. We will challenge societal standards of beauty, share personal experiences, and encourage one another in embracing their unique bodies. The group is aimed at building confidence, promoting mental and physical well-being, and advocating for inclusivity and respect in all aspects of life. Facilitated by Angela Rector, LPC/MHSP. Please email for more information and prior to attending this group!


**Please email to The Center for Counseling and Mental Health Wellness at to obtain Zoom Meeting ID and Passcodes or group and workshop presenters directly.


Digital Student Success Workshop Series

Our Digital Student Success Workshop Series is designed to provide students and staff with information pertaining to a wide variety of mental health and personal growth topics.  You may now find many of these workshops available online on our YOUTUBE Channel:  TN Tech Counseling.  See Individual links to Digital Workshops below.  Here is the link for the list of Digital Student Success Workshops currently available on YouTube:


Center for Counseling and Mental Health Wellness

Jeopardy Games by




#HopeStrongEagles    #ConnectLearnThrive