Teacher Education - OTE Test Prep Course

OTE Test Preparation Resources

The Office of Teacher Education offers these resources to its candidates preparing for their admission or licensure exams.

"OTE Test Prep" Course

We coordinate the "OTE Test Prep" course which is available via iLearn to students pursuing teacher licensure.

The course serves as an online test prep community providing information and study materials for the ACTPraxis CorePraxis IINES, MAT, and GRE exams.

If you are currently enrolled and do not have access to the "OTE Test Prep" iLearn course or if you have any general questions regarding the course, please contact Elora Davis at eldavis@tntech.edu

Interactive Practice Tests for Praxis CORE and Praxis II

We offer interactive practice tests throughout each semester for Praxis CORE and many Praxis II exams.

The Praxis® Interactive Practice Tests (IPTs) are full-length practice tests that allow you to answer one set of test questions to simulate what you will experience on the actual day of the test.

You can practice using authentic test questions and, after completing the practice test, view your results by content category along with the correct answers and explanations for each correct answer.

For more information about IPTs, please contact: Elora Davis, Test Preparation Coordinator / Advisor
Email: eldavis@tntech.edu | Phone: (931) 372-3860

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