Tk20 by Watermark - Index

Tk20 by Watermark

To improve our processes, manage candidate transition points, and track key assessments in program coursework, the College of Education & Human Sciences utilizes Tk20, a comprehensive data and reporting system.

Tk20 is used for a variety of tasks, including coursework, advisement, field experiences, residency,  edTPA portfolios, and key program assessments.

Student & Faculty LogiN  Mentor Teacher & Clinical Supervisor Login

Student Requirements & Information

All professional education courses will include assessments in Tk20.

All College of Education & Human Sciences students are required to purchase and
maintain a Tk20 account.

The one-time cost is $198.57 without sales tax at the campus bookstore or $142 plus sales tax (based on billing address ZIP code) if purchased through Tk20.
Financial aid will pay for the account if purchased through the bookstore.
Tk20 allows for 2-3 business days to activate the account after purchase.

Student accounts are active for seven (7) years.

Students need to check course syllabi and consult instructors for assessments that must be submitted to Tk20.

All students, regardless of affiliated major and college, enrolled courses requiring Tk20 must purchase an account and submit the appropriate coursework.

All types of licensure students are required to purchase Tk20. This includes, but is not limited to, transitional, add-on endorsement, CTE, INSL, and any other initial or advanced licensure programs.

Failure to purchase Tk20 can result in a zero (0) for Tk20 assignments and/or final course grade reduced a full letter.


Jeffers Learning Resources Center (JLRC)
Tk20 Help Desk
Bartoo Hall, Rm. 213

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