Organization and Involvement Fairs
The Center for Student Engagement hosts multiple organization and involvement fairs each year to help you find your next student organization.
2024 Mix & Mingle Information
Hosted each fall during Week of Welcome, this is one of Tech’s largest events. This year Mix & Mingle will be hosted on Wednesday, August 21st from 5-8 PM on the Lab Sciences Commons Lawn. This year's event will feature music, live performances, free food, and more!
Register Your Organization for Mix & Mingle
- » Find the organization that’s best for you!
Whether you are a new or returning student, Mix & Mingle is a great opportunity to explore opportunities to help you achieve your goals. Follow these simple steps to make the most of the event:
- First, think about what you want out of your involvement experience. Are you looking for new friends, new challenges, or just new ways to have fun?
- Review the list of groups already signed up for Mix & Mingle below and the complete list of Student Organizations. Make of list of the organizations you want to learn more about.
- Finally, think of questions that you have for the organizations, including questions related to costs, meeting and event schedules, membership requirements, and what current members like best about the organization.
- » Tips and Tricks for Student Attendees
Mix & Mingle is a great chance to meet other new students as you gather information and make new connections. The goal for student attendees is to have fun, get connected and engage with different student groups on campus. Take all information from all the student organizations, ask a question or two, enjoy and live Wings Up at the event!
Tip 1: When you go to a student organization fair, feel free to ask a ton questions to that organizations that you’re interested in joining or learning more about.
Tip 2: Remember to be yourself, and think about your Tech goals. Do your research on your organizations of interest and make specific plans to get involved on campus!
Tip 3: The best way to get the full experience of Mix & Mingle is to explore all organizations. Remember, just breathe and say hello!
- » Information for Organizations
Event Details
- All student organizations must be officially registered with Tennessee Tech to participate.
- Registration for the Mix & Mingle is required for participation. Student organizations will receive a confirmation following registration. Register for Mix & Mingle.
- Table locations will be assigned by the Center for Student Engagement. Volunteers will direct student organizations to their assigned table when set-up begins for the Mix & Mingle at 4:00 PM. Mix & Mingle will start at 5 PM and will end at 8 PM!
- Tables may not be moved
- One table per registered organization will be provided. Student organizations must provide all other items for the table including table cloths, chairs, flyers, food, giveaway items, etc. Please review the “prohibited items” list as you make your plans.
- No electricity is available
- Student organizations may begin setting up their table at 4:00 PM and be ready to greet new students by 4:45 PM.
Prohibited Items
No generators, amplification systems (including bullhorns & electronic megaphones), no games that resemble or influence binge drinking, no grills or smokers, no dunk tanks or inflatable games, no glass containers or objects of any kind.
- » Participating Organizations & Map Directory
The following organizations are registered for Mix & Mingle 2024 as of July 31:
- ABA Tech
- African Students Union (ASU)
- All Ladies in Civil Engineering
- Alpha Delta Pi
- Alpha Gamma Sigma
- Alpha Kappa Alpha
- Alpha Phi Alpha
- Alpha Psi Lambda National, Inc.
- Alpha Psi Phi
- American Institute of Chemical
- Engineers
- American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- Amigos (Spanish Club)
- Associated Scholars Guild (ASG)
- Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
- Association for Computing
- Machinery's Committee on Women in Computing
- Autonomous Robotics Club
- Badminton Club
- Baja SAE
- Baptist Collegiate Ministry (Baptist Student Union)
- Bartoo Botanical Society
- Bel Canto Collective
- Best Buddies
- Black Student Union
- Block and Bridle Club
- Board and Card Game Club of
- Tennessee Technological University
- Campus Outreach
- Chemical Medical Sciences Club
- Chi Alpha Campus Ministry
- Child Life Association
- Climbing Club
- College of Arts and Sciences
- Student Ambassadors
- College of Education & Human Sciences Student Ambassadors
- Collegiate 4-H
- Cookeville First Baptist Student
- Outreach of Tennessee Technological University
- CyberEagles Club
- Data Science League
- Delight
- Delta Gamma
- Delta Phi Epsilon
- Ducks Unlimited
- Dungeons and Dragons
- EDM Club
- Engineering Joint Council
- Equestrian Team
- eSports Club
- Fashion Merchandising Association
- Foil, Epee, Sabre Society (F.E.S.S.)
- French Club (Avant-Garde)
- Future Elementary Teachers Math/Science Club
- Geo Club
- Gymnastics Club
- History Club
- Housing & Design Association
- Institute of Transportation Engineers
- International Student Union
- Kainos College Ministry
- Kappa Alpha
- Kappa Alpha Psi
- Kappa Sigma
- LARP Club
- Lunar Rover
- Mann United Indoor Football Club
- Marketing Club
- Mathematics Club
- Men's Soccer Club
- Men's Volleyball Club
- Miracle
- Muslim Students Association
- National Association of the Advancement of Colored People
- National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
- National Society of Leadership and Success
- Omega Phi Alpha
- Omega Psi Phi
- One World
- Phi Gamma Delta
- Phi Mu
- Physics Club
- Pi Kappa Alpha
- Pi Kappa Delta (Speech and Debate)
- Pi Kappa Phi
- Pi Sigma Alpha
- Plant Science Experiences Club
- Presbyterian Student Association
- Pre-Veterinary Medicine Club
- Ratio Christi
- Ratio Christi
- Reformed University Fellowship
- Residence Hall Association (RHA)
- Rhythm Games Club
- Rotaract Club
- Rugby Club
- SAE Aero Design
- Scuba Society
- Servants of Christ
- Sigma Alpha of Tennessee Technological University
- Sigma Chi
- Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)
- Society of Women Engineers
- Sociology/Criminal Justice Club
- Steel Bridge Team
- Student Affiliates of the American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Student Members of the American Chemical Society
- Student Nurses Association
- Student Tennessee Education Association
- Studio 250
- Swim Club
- Swing Dance Club
- Tau Kappa Epsilon
- Tennessee Tech Chess Club
- Tennessee Tech Minecraft Server
- The Evergreen Society
- The United Voice of Praise
- Ultimate Frisbee Club
- University Catholic
- University Christian Student Center (UCSC)
- Visual Arts Society
- Wakesports Club
- Wesley Foundation
- WiCyS Student Chapter
- Wildlife Society
- Young Life
ORG-stravaganza! Student Organization Fair
Will take place in January, Spring 2025!
Tech students have hundreds of opportunities to get involved. At ORG-stravaganza!,
new students can learn about their options, returning students can explore new ways
to take their college experience to the next level, and student officers can network
with other organizations.
Attend an involvement workshop to learn how to find the right organization for you,
build your social and professional network, and make the most of your Tech experience!
Complete the ORG-stravaganza! Passport to take home unique winter merch.
Registration for ORG-stravaganza coming soon!
Faith-Based Organizations and Churches Fair
Hosting during Week of Welcome in August, this event highlights campus-based faith
organizations as well as local churches.
Have questions? Contact