Student Success Centers - Advisor Resources - Course Sections

About Course Sections

Course Sections help identify a course's delivery format, restricted student type/program, or its association to a specific location. Some course sections could also be associated with another course (e.g., lecture section that requires an associated lab section).

Example of Course Name Scheme:

Course Title Subject Number Section
Introduction to Biology BIOL 1010 001
Introduction to Biology BIOL 1010-001

This page provides a breakdown of additional course information regarding the "Section" assigned.

NOTE: Section availabilities may vary semester-to-semester based on class offerings by the academic department responsible for coordinating the course. Click the button below to view a comprehensive list of course sections usually found within Eagle Online.


Course Sections

(return to top)

Section Code/Series Delivery Method Additional Information
000-099 Lecture Course Generally available to most students as long as any pre-requisites are met.
100-119, 121-132, 141-199 Lab Course Generally available to most students as long as any pre-requisites are met.
120 Lab Course/Intersession/First Term (Summer)  
140 Lab Course/Second Term (Summer)  
201-203 Recitation (lab) classes only used by Civil and Environmental Engineering
300-346 Craft Center Course  
500-512 Online Course TN Tech Online
520-525 Online Course - 1st Term Summer TN Tech Online
540-545 Online Course - 2nd Term Summer TN Tech Online
550-561 Online Course - LAB TN Tech Online
580 Online Honors Course TN Tech Online
591-592 Online Course Intersession Course TN Tech Online
600-699 Dual Enrollment/Distance Education Course Students must be admitted as Dual Enrollment.
700-702 Distance Education Labs Students must be admitted as Dual Enrollment.
777 Distance Education Labs reserved for SOCI to track NSF funded minor.   
800-863 Honors Courses Students must be admitted and accepted into Tech Honors.
L01-L17 Sections reserved based on ACT score. Academic advisors will instruct students into any courses with these sections.
LS1-LS5 Zoom Classes  
M10-M13 Online DMBA program Distance MBA Program
M20, M22 Online MAcc program Master in Accountancy
M50, M51 Online PRST program Professional Studies
N01-N05 NURS LEC  
N21-N22 NURS LAB  
 N41 Summer LEC  
N42-N44 Summer LAB  
NL1-NL6 NURS uses for lab sections previously been designated as N21, N22, etc
R01 1st Term TN eCampus TN eCampus Courses may incur additional fees
R25 2nd Term TN eCampus TN eCampus Courses may incur additional fees
R50 Full Term TN eCampus TN eCampus Courses may incur additional fees
S01-S05, S10-21 Supplemental  
S51 A supplemental Online Class  
S60-S63 Supplemental/1-day/1-week workshops  
S64-S66 Supplemental  
T01-T04 TTU Joint Program Course  
Z21-Z24, Z41 Summer TNCIS Class Study Abroad


Location Based Sections

Section Code/Series Delivery Method/Location Additional Information
A10, A20, A60 Scott Co Higher Edu Cr. Admission Type and Program Restricted Sections
B60, B70 Roane State Comm College Admission Type and Program Restricted Sections
C60, C61, C70, C71 CHEC-Cookeville Higher Ed Camp Admission Type and Program Restricted Sections
CB1, CB2, CB3, CB4 Cumberland Co Higher Edu Ctr Admission Type and Program Restricted Sections
CC1-CC9 CHEC-Cookeville Higher Ed Camp Admission Type and Program Restricted Sections
CU1-CU4 Cumberland Co Higher Edu Ctr Admission Type and Program Restricted Sections
E01-E02, E22 ETSU Joint Program Course Engineering
ET1, ET2 ETSU Joint Program Course Engineering
G60, G61, G70 Chattanooga State Comm College Admission Type and Program Restricted Sections
H60, H61, H70 Motlow State Comm College Admission Type and Program Restricted Sections
LC1-LC5 COSCC-Lawerence CO Campus Admission Type and Program Restricted Sections
MC1-MC4 TTC - McMinnville Admission Type and Program Restricted Sections
O60-O70 Roane State - Oak Ridge - LEC Admission Type and Program Restricted Sections
OF1-OF4 Roane State - Oak Ridge - LEC Admission Type and Program Restricted Sections
OR1-OR4 & OT1-OT4 Roane State - Oak Ridge - LEC Admission Type and Program Restricted Sections
P60-P62 Pellissippi State CC - LEC Admission Type and Program Restricted Sections
P70-P72 Pellissippi State CC - LAB Admission Type and Program Restricted Sections
PC1-PC5 Pellissippi State CC - LEC Admission Type and Program Restricted Sections
SC1-SC5 Scott Co Higher Edu Ctr Admission Type and Program Restricted Sections
S02 Scott Co Higher Edu Ctr Admission Type and Program Restricted Sections
T60-T61 TTC - McMinnville - LEC Admission Type and Program Restricted Sections
T70 TTC - McMinnville - LAB Admission Type and Program Restricted Sections
TU1-TU3 Motlow State Comm College Admission Type and Program Restricted Sections
VW1-VW2 LAB Class at the VW Plant in Chattanooga Admission Type and Program Restricted Sections
VWA LEC Class that were taught at the VW Plant in Chattanooga Admission Type and Program Restricted Sections

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