University Counsel- Contracts

University Counsel


Tennessee Tech Policies 570 (Contracts and Agreements) and 571 (Methods and Processes of Competitive Procurement) describe purchasing and contracting requirements and procedures. Tennessee Tech maintains an electronic Procurement Manual, which explains the mandatory procedures that govern purchases of goods and services related to Tennessee Tech Policies 570 and 571. These policies can be found on Policy Central. Please contact the Office of Purchasing and Contracts at ext. 3491 if you   have questions about purchasing, contracts, or signature authority. 



Before signing any contracts or documents (e.g., terms and conditions, terms of sale, rental agreements, etc.) that create a contractual obligation for Tennessee Tech or any of its departments, divisions, or work units, make sure you are properly authorized to sign the document. Tennessee Tech Policy 512 (Delegation of Signature Authority) describes how an employee is authorized to sign such documents. This policy can be found on Policy Central.

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