Army ROTC - Summer Training Opportunities

Summer Training Opportunities

Basic Camp

Basic Camp is a 31-day training exercise held each summer at Fort Knox, KY in order to introduce Cadets to the Army. The objective is to develop Cadet leadership skills and train them on individual and junior leader tasks to develop and reinforce Warrior Ethos and our Army Values. Basic Camp provides the critical thinking skills necessary to succeed in ROTC, and, ultimately, the Army. Basic Camp Cadets graduate the course prepared to lead at the team (3-4 Cadets) and squad (9-13 Cadets) level.

Basic Camp's primary target audience is the Lateral Entry Cadet. Lateral Entry Cadets typically decide to join ROTC in their sophomore year of college, thus require Basic Camp to learn what normal-progression Cadets have learned in their first two years of military science classes, during their freshman and sophomore years of Army ROTC.

Cadets are taught how to conduct troop leading procedures (TLPs) to plan and execute tactical missions at the squad level in a platoon construct/setting. As Cadets gain experience and confidence through the training, they apply lessons learned from the After Action Review (AAR) process. Outcomes for Basic Camp include:

* Using troop leading procedures to plan and execute tactical missions at the squad level within a platoon construct.

* Applying the fundamentals of team development and team dynamics.

* Understanding, embracing, and demonstrating Warrior Ethos and the Army Values.

Learn more about Basic Camp

Advanced Camp

Advanced Camp. Advanced Camp is a 5-week leader development exercise held each summer at Fort Knox, KY to assess a Cadet’s ability to demonstrate proficiency in basic officer leadership tasks. Cadets are evaluated on their ability to lead at the Squad and Platoon levels, both in garrison and tactical environments. Cadets are mentally and physically tested during field training exercises that replicates a combat training center rotation. Successful completion of the Advanced Camp is a prerequisite for commissioning.

The mission of Advanced Camp is to assess a Cadet’s potential to serve as a commissioned officer. It is the most significant training and evaluation event in ROTC. Training is complex, challenging, and rigorous and is conducted in a stressful training environment. Cadets reinforce basic skills through squad (9-13 Cadets) level leader development exercises, and transition to platoon (40-50 Cadets) level operations in a company construct. Prior to attending Advanced Camp, Cadets receive intelligence updates, preparing them for the geo-political environment to which they will deploy and operate.

Learn more about Advanced Camp

Cultural Understanding and Leadership Program (CULP)

For Army ROTC Cadets, the world is their classroom. Every year hundreds of Cadets travel the globe, spending up to three weeks immersed in foreign cultures, learning more about how others around the world view the U.S. and, in the process, learning more about themselves. The Army recognizes the need for young leaders to develop more cultural awareness and foreign language proficiency skills. Now more than ever, cultural awareness training is a vital component to the ROTC curriculum. Overseas immersions help educate future leaders in ways the classroom cannot. Cadets now have the opportunity to compete for immersion in more than 20 countries. These opportunities expose them to everyday life in different cultures and intensifies language study, which helps produce commissioned officers who possess the right blend of language and cultural skills required to support global operations in the 21st Century. Participants experience up to three different venues during immersion, including host nation military-to-military exchange, humanitarian service, and education on

historical aspects of the country. In 2018, CU&LP deployed teams of SROTC Cadets (May thru August) to develop culturally astute future leaders, strengthen strategic relationships, and support theater security cooperation objectives. Cadet Command sent 959 Cadets and 150 cadre to 26 different countries supporting Combatant Command security cooperation lines of effort.

Immersion into foreign cultures exposes Cadets to the realities that other countries have vastly different lifestyles, economic standing and world perspective.

Cadets travel in small groups led by senior leader cadre. Trips typically incorporate approximately 11 Cadets and a cadre member traveling in conjunction with a civilian agency or non-governmental agency. The trips last approximately one month, which encompasses the deployment as well as a five-day Soldier readiness process. CULP slots are awarded on a competitive basis and consider several factors, such as GPA, physical fitness, language ability, and other pertinent selection criteria.

Learn more about CULP


Each summer ROTC Cadets compete for the opportunity to participate in a fully-funded, paid internship opportunity with various organizations across the world. Recently TN Tech ROTC sent two Cadets to internships at NASA and with the US Army European Command (EUCOM) in Germany. 

Learn more about internships

Nurse Summer Training Program (NSTP):

Army ROTC Cadets majoring in Nursing have an opportunity for a unique summer nursing experience. The paid, three-week Nurse Summer Training Program assigns Cadets to Army hospitals throughout the U.S. and Germany. The nursing program introduces you to the Army Medical Department (AMEDD) and to the roles and responsibilities of an Army Nurse Corps Officer. Under the supervision of an experienced Army Nurse Corps Officer, you will obtain hands-on experience. Your one-on-one clinical experience will allow you to hone your clinical skills, develop your problem-solving techniques and become comfortable with developing your professional skills as a member of the U.S. Army Healthcare Team.

Learn more about NSTP


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