College of Business - Advisory Board


College of Business Advisory Board

The College of Business Advisory Board is a great asset to the College and has helped many students. Since 1975, they have provided more than almost two million dollars in annual and endowed scholarships to business students. They have helped over 1,500 College of Business students to fulfill their dreams of graduation. 

  • Board Members

    Jon Adamson

    Britt Akers

    Jay Albrecht

    Sonny Allen

    Bob Allen

    Ismet Anitsal

    Curtis Armstrong

    Wynne Baker

    Marvin Barker

    Robert Bell

    Gina Billings

    Jim Birdwell

    Ken Booker

    Robert Brown

    Charles Burkett

    Horace Burks

    Nathan Burton

    Jay Cassetty

    Barry Clouse

    Quenston Coleman

    Wayne Cravens

    Bobby Davis

    Stephanie Dedmon

    Bob Duncan

    Tracey Duncan

    Scott Edwards

    Mark Ezell

    Dan Fesler

    Robert Fidler

    Henry Fincher

    Stephen Forgey

    Nelson Forrester

    Ken Fuller

    Julie Galloway

    Robert Gardenhire

    Larry Garrett

    Jim Garrick

    Leanna Garrick

    Dough Gentry

    John Gentry

    Shane Gibson

    Tor Guimaraes

    George Halford

    Matthew Hall

    Lillian Hartgrove

    Greg Hayes

    Chris Hight

    Christopher Holloway

    Jill Horner

    John Hoskins

    Henry Hoss

    Faye Huddleston

    Drue Huffines

    Jimmy Hull

    Eric Ingram

    Mike Ingram

    Morris Irby

    Steven Isbell

    George Johnson

    Sarah Johnson

    Lee Jones

    Melinda Keifer

    Keith Keisling

    Scott Kendrick

    Al Kent

    Elise Leeson

    Eldon Leslie

    Marty Lewter

    Thomas Lynn

    Jimmy Mackie

    John Maddux

    Ron Marston

    Jim Martin

    Allen McCampbell

    Donna McSpadder

    Martin Medley

    Virginia Moore

    David Morgan

    James Morton

    Dick Murphy

    Tom H. Neal

    Rob Norred

    Julie O'Connor

    Thomas Orton

    Sean Owens

    Robert Parker

    Kelly Perdue

    Darrell Pittard

    Michael Porton

    Malcolm Quillen

    Brenda Rector

    Rhonda Rigsby

    Dennis Robbins

    Paul Scarlett

    Suzanne Schriver

    Jim Shipley

    Jack Smith

    Ryan Smith

    Mark Stephens

    Claire Stinson

    John Stites

    John Story

    Michael Swallows

    Ron Swann

    Mark Travis

    Don Viar

    Angelo Volpe

    Bruce Von Almen

    John Wampler

    Ted Wampler

    Everett Warren

    Sam Warren

    Davis Watts

    Stuart Wells

    Edward Whitley

    Kenneth Wiant

    Phil Wilbourn

    Grady Williams

    Susan Williams

    Roy Williams

    Bobby Williams

    Scott Word

    Jim Wright

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