SBC Capital Projects - Projects Requiring Designers

SBC Capital Projects

Projects Requiring Designers

If you are interested in a project listed below:

  1. Visit the website of the Office of State Architect to review the updated Designer Selection Process. The Office of State Architect requires a Designer Letter of Interest for Standard and Minor projects.
  2. Register with the Office of State Architect. Use your firm's full legal name both here and on the LOI submission. If firm is not registered with OSA, your LOI may not be reviewed.
  3. Download and save the Designer Letter of Interest Form. **updated** 
    1. Please download a new form each time you submit. Do not alter or reformat the form. Enter information in spaces allotted.
    2. Designers should verify that all information entered into the form is visible. Information which does not fit in the form fields will not be evaluated. 
    3. Please do not use smaller than 10-point font. Consider legibility and formatting of chosen font prior to submitting your LOI. 
  4. Complete the document specifically for the project in which you have interest.
  5. The response is limited to four (4) pages; do not include photographs or attachments.
  6. Attach the completed letter of interest (in PDF format) to your email submittal through the link below. Please type "Designer Information" and the project name for which you are submitting in the subject line. 

Click here to submit your letter of interest.

TN Tech Designer Letter of Interest Opportunities

Project Name
Project Description
Due Date

North Whitney Avenue Parking Lot

SBC# 364/011-xx-2025

Install pavement, curb and gutter, sidewalks, stormwater management, lighting and landscaping in the existing gravel parking lot on N. Whitney Avenue. Includes all related work.

$961,800 5:00 PM Central Time April 16, 2025

Track and Field Facility

SBC# 364/011-xx-2025

Construct a competition track and field facility on a portion of the existing intramural fields, located on 12th Street and N. Willow Avenue. The facility will include a multi-purpose artificial turf athletic field, complete with amenities including track and field lighting, press box,  spectator seating, concessions, restrooms, and all related work.

$4,951,800 5:00 PM Central Time April 16, 2025



For additional Designer project opportunities, please also refer to the RFP & RFQ section of the SBC Capital Projects menu at left.

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