Foreign Languages - Retroactive Credit

Retroactive Credit

If you grew up speaking or have previously studied French, German, or Spanish, take our free language placement test and earn up to 12 hours of college credit, which can save you hundreds, and potentially thousands, of dollars in tuition fees!


How It Works ›

1. Take One Test

  • Administered by Rosetta Stone
  • Students request our free, online placement exam by filling out the form below. We do the rest!
  • Students complete test at their convenience (pre-advising)
  • Results are immediate and evaluates grammar, vocabulary, and reading proficiency
  • A short survey helps us learn student background, context of results

2. Take One Class

  • Department provides students with placement recommendation and override permit for current (or upcoming) semester
  • Highest placement is F/G/S 3010 or 3020
  • Students must complete the course they place into with a C or better
  • Performance justifies PLC award

3. Earn up to 12 credit hours for FREE!

  • Students earn credit for the courses they skipped
    • Includes 1010, 1020, 2010, 2020, 3010, and 3020.
  • Award is not automatic. Students (or advisors) must request the award after final grades are posted.*

*You can only receive free credit through Tennessee Tech after completing a higher-level language course at Tennessee Tech, not at another school. If you already have language credit from another college or university and have transferred that credit to Tech, you won’t need retrocredit. However, you may want to take the placement test just to make sure you’re ready for the next level here at Tennessee Tech University.


Request the Retroactive Credit Placement Test




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