Foreign Languages - Courses


Dr. Martin teaching in front of a whiteboard

Our department has a wide offering in language and culture courses! We offer elementary and intermediate levels of language study in French, German and Spanish, as well as advanced courses in composition and conversation, language for business, literature courses and a wide variety of upper-division courses focusing on culture. 

We also offer culture courses taught in English which provide an overview of various countries where French, German or Spanish is the primary language. These classes are popular as electives throughout the University, especially since most of them can be used to meet part of the general education humanities requirement for all students. 

We also offer a Teaching Licensure course, which serves as a Capstone course for students who plan to become secondary school teachers. Contact Dr. Olsen for more information on the program. 


Culture Courses Taught in English

NOTE: those courses can be taken to complete a humanity general education requirement. 

  • FREN 2510 (or 3510) French Culture and Civilization 
  • FREN 2520 (or 3520) Country and People – North Africa 
  • GERM 2520 (or 3520) German Culture and Civilization 
  • SPAN 2510 (or 3510) Spanish Culture and Civilization 
  • SPAN 2550 (or 3550) Latin America Culture and Civilization 

Language Learning Courses

Course French German Spanish
Elementary I FREN 1010 GERM 1010 SPAN 1010
Elementary II FREN 1020 GERM 1020 SPAN 1020
Intermediate I FREN 2010 GERM 2010 SPAN 2010
Intermediate II FREN 2020 GERM 2020 SPAN 2020
Written Communication FREN 3010 GERM 3010 SPAN 3010
Oral Communication FREN 3020 GERM 3020 SPAN 3020
Advanced conversation - - SPAN 4030
Elementary for Health Services - - SPAN 1015


Courses Taught in Another Language

Professor of Spanish teaching students sitting at desks in front of windowsTeaching Licensure Capstone

Available in French (FREN 4925), German (GERM 4925) and Spanish (SPAN 4925). Please contact Dr. Olsen for more information on the Teaching Licensure program in Languages.


English as a Second Language Courses (ESL)

  • ESL 1010
  • ESL 1020

For more info about those two courses, please contact Dr. Eldaba. 

For more info about the ESL program, go to the Center for English as a Second Language page »


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