Mathematics - M.S. in Mathematics Goals and Reports

M.S. in Mathematics Goals and Reports

M.S. in Mathematics Program and Learning Outcomes Yearly Report 2015-2016

M.S. In Mathematics Program and Learning Outcome Goals

The graduate degree program will average at least 5 graduates per year.

Assessment: In August of each year the number of graduates in the preceding July 1 - June 30 time period will be determined.

Mathematics graduate students will participate in extracurricular activities related to mathematics. These activities will include participation in the Graduate Seminar and Teaching Seminar, presenting research, and the opportunity to attend lectures by guest speakers (at least two per year).

Assessment: At the end of each academic year, a count is made of the number of seminars and research presentations given by students. A count is also made of the number of guest lectures during the academic year. 

Learning Outcome Goals

All M.S. in Mathematics candidates will demonstrate a command of principles of general mathematics and their particular areas of interest.

Assessment: Comprehensive exams, oral exams, and thesis defense are used to assess this goal.

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