Physics - Scholarships

Scholarships for Physics Majors

As well as university-wide academic scholarships, several scholarships are specifically designated for physics majors. Some of these are reserved for entering freshmen, others for upperclassmen (rising juniors and seniors), and others may be awarded to any physics major. To be eligible for any of these scholarships you must submit an application, and (in some cases) one or more letters of reference, by December 15 of the preceding year. Except for the honors scholarships, recommendations for each of these scholarships is made by the department faculty, based on the student's previous school performance, standardized test scores, the student's letter of application, and on any letters of reference submitted.

  • Scholarships for Incoming Freshmen

    Algood and Elizabeth Carlen Scholarships:

    Awarded by the College of Arts and Sciences, this scholarship is worth approximately $2500 and is renewable for up to three additional years if the student meets appropriate criteria. (Additional Carlen scholarships may also be awarded to current students if deemed appropriate.)

    Gladys R. and Paul F. Austin Scholarship:

    A one-year scholarship which is awarded to an incoming freshmen; it carries a value of approximately $2500. Also awarded by the College of Arts and Sciences.

    Frederick L. Culp Scholarship:

    Established in honor of a long-remembered former Department Chair, this scholarship is typically valued at about $1000 to $2000. Preference is given to outstanding incoming freshmen, but if none qualify current students are also eligible. (NB. Three letters of recommendation are required.)

    Dr. Krishna Kumar Scholarship

    Established in honor of a former faculty member who is recognized internationally for his work in theoretical nuclear physics. This scholarship is typically valued at about $750. Again, preference s given to an outstanding incoming freshmen, but if none qualify current students are also eligible.


  • Scholarships for Upperclassmen

    Robert L. Shannon Jr. Physics Scholarship:

    Established by his family in honor of a former graduate who had a long and distinguished naval career, this scholarship is given to a Junior or Senior physics major and carries a value of approximately $1500.

    David P. Murdock Physics Scholarship:

    Established in honor of a popular faculty member who passed away unexpectedly in 2013, this scholarship is also dedicated for upperclassmen. Award values vary.


  • Scholarships for all physics majors

    Department Scholarships:

    Supported by faculty and alumni donations these are typically in the range of $500 - $1500 and several are awarded each year to both incoming freshmen and current students.


  • Honors Scholarships

    Honors Scholarships:

    Physics majors who are honors students are also eligible for scholarships awarded through the Honors Program itself. Some of these may be of particular interest to out-of-state students.



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