CEROC - Education

Cybersecurity Education, Research & Outreach Center

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The Computer Science (CS) department in Tennessee Tech College of Engineering offers the Information Assurance and Cybersecurity concentration for undergraduate majors. Although cybersecurity has been taught as elective courses and as embedded topics in traditional CS courses, a specially focused concentration on cybersecurity was formally established in Fall 2013.

The purpose of the cybersecurity concentration is to provide a career path for Tennessee Tech students to obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science (CS) with Information Assurance and Security focus. The concentration includes a CS background with security relevant concepts that are applicable to computer and information systems security. The Information Assurance and Security concentration directly contributes to regional and national cybersecurity workforce development and provides our students with appropriate education and skillset to enable them to be eligible to avail job opportunities in cybersecurity and help to address national crisis of cybersecurity skill shortage.

Since 2006, we offer a Master of Science degree in Computer Science with Cybersecurity focus area. We also offer PhD in Engineering with a concentration in Computer Science with research opportunity in cybersecurity. More about our undergraduate and graduate program is provided in respective links.

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