School of Environmental Studies - PSM Certificates

Professional Science Master’s Certificates

There are two new 15-credit hour graduate certificates in the Professional Science Master’s degree program within the Environmental Informatics concentration: (a) Managerial Environmental Informatics and (b) Technical Environmental Informatics.

Students may earn one or both certificates as stand-alone graduate certificates, or as embedded within the 33-credit hour PSM degree program. Curricular requirements for each certificate are summarized in the table below.

Curricular Requirements:

Course Titles Managerial Environmental Informatics Technical Environmental Informatics
GEOG 5410 Remote Sensing or GEOG 5650 Environ. Applications of GIS 3 3
EVSS 6010 Environmental Social Policy or ESS 6000 Environmental Law 3 3
One graduate-level statistics course from Approved list A 3 3
BMGT 6200 Organizational Leadership, PRST 6110 Leadership and Communication, PRST 6310 Leadership in Org., or PRST 6500 Foundations of Leadership 3  
One directed elective from Approved list B 3  
CSC 6200 Data Mining or CSC 6230 Machine Learning or ESS 6520 Env. Inf. Python Apps. & Machine Learning   3
ESS 6510 Programming GIS   3
Total Credit Hours for Certificate 15 15


Approved List A
› AGBE 5210 Agriculture and Biological Statistics
› BIOL 5220 Biostatistics
› BIOL 6140 Fish and Wildlife Biometrics
› MATH 6070 Applied Linear Statistical Methods I
› MATH 6080 Applied Linear Statistical Methods II
› MATH 6170 Experimental Design I
› MATH 6180 Experimental Design II
› MATH 6470 Environmental Statistics
› PRST 6600 Statistical Analysis
› PSY 6310 Educational Statistics
› SOC 5920 Data Analysis and Management

Approved List B
› ACCT 6010 Accounting Information for Management Decisions 
› ECON 5200 Environmental Economics
› EVS 7900 Scientific Writing and Grantsmanship
› MKT 6100 Strategic Marketing
› PRST 6040 Human Resources Management
› PRST 6100 Professional Environment Issues and Ethics 
› PRST 6700 Conflict Management and Negotiation 
› PRST 6920 Diversity in the Workplace



PSM Managerial Environmental Informatics Certification Form

PSM Technical Environmental Informatics Certification Form


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