Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning
Request Forms
Below you can find helpful forms related to common requests for D2L/iLearn or other technologies supported by the CITL.
D2L iLearn Training
- D2L iLearn Training (for faculty, teaching assistants, and graduate assistants)
- Student Missing Class Request Form (for students who have a course listed in Eagle Online that is using iLearn and they are not currently able to see the course)
- Student Course Removal Request
- Create Course Master (for faculty who would like to have a blank course shell to develop course content)
- Combine Courses or Course Sections
- Add Full TA's, Co-instructors, and incomplete students
- Faculty can now add their own TA-Graders, TA-Content and Mentors to their courses. View the instructions on the iLearn Resource Site.
- Create a Community Course (for courses that are non-academic and not associated with Banner)
- Request to Enroll/Unenroll Users (for community (non-academic) courses only)
Software Request Forms
Poll Everywhere
Zoom Video Conferencing
- Zoom Conferencing Signup (Access Zoom through Tech Express.)
- Zoom Conferencing Pro Account Request Form (Faculty only. Must have completed the basic account signup and due to limited licenses, will be based on need.)
- Qualtrics Insight Platform (Faculty can login with their Tennessee Tech account through Tech Express.)
- Qualtrics Student Account Request (Student Form)
- Turnitin (plagiarism prevention, peer-review and online grading) can be used through iLearn without an account. If you choose to use, you will need to request an account.
Respondus Suite
- Respondus Test Creation Software
- (Windows only. On campus computers only. Login with your Tennessee Tech credentials to download the software and get the license information.)
- Respondus Lockdown Browser can now be accessed from within iLearn without having to download the software first.
- Respondus Test Creation Software