Poll Everywhere
Educator Resources
NOTE: All Tennessee Tech users are automatically given a Poll Everywhere basic user account. You can log in through TechExpress following the instructions on the Poll Everywhere page.
To request a Presenter account to allow you to create and administer polls, please complete the Presenter Request Form.
Submit a Presenter Account Request
Faculty: Logging In
If you are logged in to TechExpress, you can select the Favorites icon in the upper right navigation area and choose Poll Everywhere from the list. If you go through TechExpress, you should not have to login again.
**NOTE: If you already setup an account that says it is not under our Tennessee Tech University license, or you are a student or staff and you are teaching a class, then you will need to complete this form and we will send you an invitation to our account that you will need to accept.**
How do student access my polls?
Each presenter account has an Activity response URL that is unique to their account. You can find your URL by going to your Poll Everywhere account. Once there, in the main Home area, you will see the Activity response URL shown in the middle of the page. It will begin with PollEv.com/ and something related to your name will be after. Example: PollEv.com/jdoe512
If you would like to customize this URL, you can follow the directions on the Poll Everywhere site.
If you are using PowerPoint and embed the questions in the presentation, the Activity response URL for your account will be shown at the top of the slide for the students.
Introduction to Activities/Polls in Poll Everywhere
- An Introduction to Poll Everywhere Activities - see what types of polls are available for you to use in your classroom or meeting.
- Presenter Guide - learn more about poll types, managing responses, and reporting.
- Create a Poll [Video]
- Poll Everywhere Workshop Recording
Add Participants to your Polls
iLearn integration
Import option
Additional Resources
- Back to School Guide
- Video Guides
- Creating Reports
- The Poll Everywhere Success Primer
- Best Practices Guide
- 12 Tips to Get the Most From Poll Everywhere Competitions
- Case Studies
- Using an iPad, download MS PowerPoint for iPad. It now comes pre-installed with the Poll Everywhere add-on.
Using Poll Everywhere on a Tennessee Tech Computer Download the PowerPoint Plug-In
You can download the plug-in for PowerPoint. See instructions below.
- Search your applications by selecting the magnifying glass in the taskbar.
- Type in Software Center
- Select the PollEv Presenter app
- Click Install
- Once installed, open PowerPoint and you should see a tab that says Poll Everywhere.
- If you don't see the tab, please follow these instructions for linking the Add-in to your PowerPoint.
- Use the Spotlight search in the upper right corner
- Type in Self Service
- Find the Poll Everywhere app and choose Install
- Once installed, open PowerPoint and Poll Everywhere and login to Poll Everywhere using your Tennessee Tech University credentials.
- Once Poll Everywhere is opened, you can start selecting Activities/Polls to insert
into your presentation. See more instructions about how this works.
** If you plan to use this in a classroom, please check ahead of time to make sure the software is installed. If not, contact the contact person to have them install the appropriate software. **
Plug-Ins on Personal Computers
Download the plugin for the software you will be using. Go through the install process and then look for the Poll Everywhere options within that tool.
- PowerPoint (Mac or Win)
- Keynote (Mac)
- Google Slides
- Slack
- Mobile Presenter App
At Tennessee Tech University, we believe that all students should have equal technology opportunities in the classroom. The following list includes technologies that may appear in Tennessee Tech courses and the accessibility information for each of those technologies.
Download the App
Additional Assistance
Please contact the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning at citl@tntech.edu or call x3675.