Dean of Students - Recognize Concerning Behavior

Recognize Concerning Behavior

If you observe any of these behaviors, contact University Police immediately at 931-372-3234:

  • Physical violence towards others (shoving, grabbing, assault, use of weapons)
  • Communicating direct threats to harm themselves or others
  • Expressing themes of hopelessness, rage, worthlessness, despair, suicidal ideation
  • Stalking or harassing others
  • Any other behavior that you feel is clearly reckless, disorderly, dangerous, or threatening or is suggestive of imminent harm to self or others in the community.

Possible indicators of distressed individuals NOT requiring emergency response:

  • Strange behavior that is out of context
  • Unusual content in writings or presentations
  • Overly demanding of faculty/staff’s time and attention
  • Excessive crying or panicked reactions
  • Sudden decline in quality of coursework and/or grades or work performance
  • Significant changes in physical appearance (grooming/hygiene, weight loss/gain)
  • Appears excessively fatigued or lethargic
  • Seems to be disoriented or “out of it” often

This list is not inclusive of all concerning behaviors. If you observe behaviors you believe suggest immediate harm to themselves or others, contact University Police immediately.

If you find yourself preoccupied thinking about a student’s well-being or feel uneasy about an interaction, contact the Center for Counseling and Mental Health Wellness, or if you’re not concerned about the student’s immediate safety, submit a referral form.

When in doubt, reach out!


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