Teacher Education - Program Testing Information

Test Requirements & Information

Teacher candidates seeking certification or licensure in the state of Tennessee must pass entrance exams to enter into a teacher education program and licensing exams that measure a candidate's knowledge and skills pertaining to the field of teaching and the desired content area. OTE only accepts official copies of score reports. OTE will not release exam score information by phone to anyone. 

IMPORTANT: Prior to registering for your Praxis II exam, confirm the correct test code with your academic advisor.

  • Office of Teacher Education Test Prep Contact

    Any questions regarding American College Testing (ACT), Praxis, National Evaluation Series (NES), or Miller Analogies Test (MAT) tests and resources, please contact Elora Davis.

    Phone: 931-372-3860 | Email: eldavis@tntech.edu

  • Undergraduate Test Requirements for OTE Admission

    Admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP) requires passing scores on one of the following three (3) exams:

    ACT (Writing Optional)

    The ACT is an entrance exam used by most higher education institutions to make admissions decisions. It is a multiple-choice, pencil-and-paper test which measures a person's readiness for college. 

    The required score for admission to TEP is a Super Score of 21. 

    You must select Tennessee Tech University as a score recipient for the university to receive a copy of your results. The ACT recipient code for TN Tech is 4012.

    Register for the ACT

    For information on testing accommodations:

    Visit ACT for Accommodations and English Learner Supports

    Praxis Core: Academic Skills for Educators 

    This test was designed to provide a comprehensive assessment that measures the skills and content knowledge of candidates entering teacher preparation programs. Candidates will answer questions covering reading, writing and mathematics.

    As of September 1, 2020, students must submit passing scores for the new Praxis CORE test codes: Reading (5713), Writing (5723), Mathematics (5733), and CORE combined (5752). 

    The required scores for admission to TEP is a 156 in Reading, 150 in Mathematics, and 162 in Writing.

    You must select Tennessee Tech University as a score recipient for the university to receive a copy of your results. The ETS recipient code for TN Tech is 1804.

    Register for the Praxis Core

    For information on testing accommodations:

    Visit ETS for Accommodations for Test Takers with Disabilities


    The SAT is a standardized test widely used for college admissions.

    The required score for admission to TEP is a 1080.

    You must select Tennessee Tech University as a score recipient for the university to receive a copy of your results. The SAT recipient code for TN Tech is 1804.

    Register for the SAT

    For information on testing accommodations:

    SAT Services for Students with Disabilities

  • Graduate Test Requirements for OTE Admission

    Admission to the Office of Teacher Education (OTE) requires passing scores on one of the following two graduate entrance exams:

    Miller Analogies Test (MAT):

    The MAT was designed to assess the analytical thinking ability of graduate school candidates.

    Please refer to the admission requirements for each program for required test scores. 

    Register for the MAT

    For information on testing accommodations:

    Visit Pearson for Accommodations for Test Candidates with Disabilities

    Graduate Record Examination (GRE) 

    The GRE features question types that mimic the critical thinking a candidate would use in their graduate studies. The test is comprised of three sections: Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, and Analytical Writing. 

    Please refer to the admission requirements for each program for required test scores.

    You must select Tennessee Tech University as a score recipient for the university to receive a copy of your results. The ETS recipient code for TN Tech is 1804.

    Tennessee Tech is waiving graduate entrance exam requirements for the Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 semesters.

    Register for the GRE

    For information on testing accommodations:

    Visit ETS for Accommodations for Test Takers with Disabilities or Health-related Needs

  • Test Requirements for Residency & Student Teaching


    Before a candidate can begin Residency, they must pass content knowledge exam requirements (Praxis II or NES). Exam requirements are determined by a candidate's licensure/endorsement area. Deadlines for score submissions can be found on the OTE Benchmarks form, the monthly newsletter, and are communicated by your advisor.

    IMPORTANT: Prior to registering for your Praxis II exam, confirm the correct test code with your academic advisor.

    Students pursuing Mathematics 6-12 or Middle Grades Math 6-8 may take the Praxis II or NES for licensure purposes.

    Student Teaching

    Before a candidate can begin Student Teaching, they must pass any/all exam requirements (Praxis II or NES). Exam requirements are determined by a candidate's licensure/endorsement area. Deadlines for score submissions can be found on the OTE Benchmarks form, the monthly newsletter, and are communicated by your advisor.

    IMPORTANT: Prior to registering for your Praxis II exam, confirm the correct test code with your academic advisor.

    Students pursuing Mathematics 6-12 or Middle Grades Math 6-8 may take the Praxis II or NES for licensure purposes.

    Praxis II: Subject Assessment Tests

    These tests measure knowledge of specific subjects that K–12 educators will teach, as well as general and subject-specific teaching skills and knowledge.

    You must select Tennessee Tech University as a score recipient for the university to receive a copy of your results. The ETS recipient code for TN Tech is 1804.

    Register for Praxis II

    Are you unsure of which Praxis II test(s) you need to complete for your license/endorsement area? You may view the Tennessee Praxis requirements here. 

    For information on testing accommodations:


  • Jeffers Learning Resources Center (JLRC) Test Prep Materials 

    Jeffers Learning Resources Center

    The JLRC provides a large selection of study materials and resources for the ACT, Praxis, and NES. 

     JLRC Test Prep Materials

  • Angelo & Jennette Volpe Library Test Prep Materials

    Volpe Library

    The Volpe Library offers study materials for Praxis, ACT, NES, MAT, and GRE. You may view a list of some of the available test prep materials below. 

    • 5001 – Elementary Education (Multiple Subjects)
    • 5018 – Elementary Education: Content Knowledge (For Early Childhood Candidates ONLY)
    • 5038, 5039, 5047, & 5146 – English: Content Knowledge, Middle School: English Language Arts, Middle School: Content Knowledge
    • 5161 – Mathematics: Content Knowledge (6-12)
    • 5169 – Middle School Mathematics (6-8)
    • 5203 – Teaching Reading: Elementary Education
    • 5245 – Chemistry: Content Knowledge
    • 5311 – Library Media Specialist
    • 5354 – Special Education: Core Knowledge and Applications (ECE PreK-3)
    • 5421 – Professional School Counselor
    • 5624 – PLT 7-12 (For Occupational Candidates ONLY)
    • 5712, 5722, & 5732 – Core Academic Skills for Educators: Reading, Writing, & Math
    • 5941 – World & US History: Content Knowledge
    • General Praxis Study Secrets
    • NES – Mathematics (Middle & Early Secondary)

    If you would like to search the Volpe Library's full inventory, click here

    If the library does not have an item you are looking for, you may request it through the InterLibrary Loan or request the Volpe Library purchase it. 

    Request an Item

     Testing & Learning Center (TLC)

    Tutoring is available through the TLC for many content areas and/or specific tests such as the ACT, Praxis, or GRE.

     Testing & Learning Center Tutoring 

  • Office of Teacher Education Test Prep 

    "OTE Test Prep" Course

    The Office of Teacher Education has recently launched the "OTE Test Prep" course which is available via iLearn to students pursuing teacher licensure. The course serves as an online test prep community which provides information and study materials for the ACT, Praxis Core, Praxis II, NES, and MAT exams. If you are currently enrolled and do not have access to the "OTE Test Prep" iLearn course or if you have any general questions regarding the course, please contact Elora Davis at eldavis@tntech.edu

    Interactive Practice Tests for Praxis

    The Office of Teacher Education offers interactive practice tests (IPTs) throughout each semester for many Praxis II exams. Interactive practice tests are full-length, timed tests designed to simulate what you will experience on the actual test day. Please contact Elora Davis, eldavis@tntech.edu, for more information on IPTs. 

    OTE is offering the following IPTs:

    • Agriculture (5701)
    • Early Childhood Education (5025)
    • Elementary Education: Subtests
    • Language Arts (5002)
    • Mathematics (5003)
    • Social Studies (5004)
    • Science (5005)
    • English Language Arts: Content Knowledge (5038)
    • Health Education (5551)
    • Library Media Specialist (5311)
    • Math Content Knowledge (5161)
    • Middle School Mathematics (5169)
    • Music: Content and Instruction (5114)
    • Physical Education: Content & Design (5095)
    • Special Education: Core Knowledge and Mild to Moderate Applications (5543)
    • Special Education: Core Knowledge and Severe to Profound (5545)
    • Teaching Reading: Elementary (5205)
    • World and U.S. History: Content Knowledge (5941)

     Prep Materials Available at all 2+2 Campus Sites

    • ACT
    • Barron’s Praxis CORE Academic Skills (Reading 5712, Writing 5722, Math 5732)
    • Barron’s : Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT)
    • Teaching Reading: Elementary Education (5203)
    • Elementary Ed Content (5018)
    • Elementary Ed CIA (5017)

  • College of Education & Human Sciences Testing Center

    College of Education & Human Sciences Testing Center

    The College of Education & Human Sciences Testing Center is located in Matthews-Daniel Hall Room 106 and is designed to provide both computer-based and paper-based testing in a secure environment.

    Visit the Testing Center

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