Testing Center
The College of Education & Human Sciences Testing Center is located in Foundation Hall 314 and is designed to provide both computer-based and paper-based testing in a secure environment.
We are certified to provide the following exams:
College Level Examination Program (CLEP) test
Counseling & Psychology Comprehensive Exams (CPCE)
Graduate Records Exam (GRE)
We strive to ensure that all tests are administered in an efficient, fair, and secure manner. We endeavor to provide a quality service that allows each candidate the opportunity to demonstrate his or her ability in the tested subject areas.
- About the Testing Center & General Information
The College of Education & Human Sciences Testing Center consists of a test lab, a check-in/monitoring station, and a personal storage area.
- The lab has 21 candidate terminals. Each terminal is located in a privacy desk made from sound-absorbing material.
- There is also an adjustable-height ADA compliant station available.
- The lab is monitored 24/7 via cameras as well as monitored in person during test set-up, exam periods, and clean up.
When Registering for a Test
Please note that Tennessee Tech (Cookeville) is in the Central time zone. Make certain you allow for any time changes that might affect your arrival time.
Consider Parking Needs
Parking on campus requires a parking pass. If you are a TTU student, faculty or staff, you will need to park in a location that matches your parking pass. If you are not a TTU student or not employed by TTU please contact the testing center at least 48 hours prior to your test for a parking permit. There are places nearby the center that are public parking, but spots may be limited.
Testing Center Location: Foundation Hall
Foundation Hall is located at 242 E. 10th Street, Cookeville, Tennessee. Room 314 is on the third floor, on the side closest to 10th Street. Stairs are located on either side of the building, an elevator is available through the main 10th Street entry (to the left after entering the double doors).
Tech Interactive Map / Foundation Hall Parking
Review Check-in and Test Day Information
Please familiarize yourself with the Check-in and Test Day Information prior to the day of your test.
- Unexpected Closings
For the Praxis and GRE exams: If the College of Education & Human Sciences Testing Center is closed for weather, illness, technical issues, etc., you will be notified via email by ETS for all Praxis Exams.
For all other exams, check local media for weather advisories and school closings. If Tennessee Tech is closed, the Testing Center will be CLOSED. If there is an emergency other than weather, you will be notified by the testing center to reschedule.
- Test Rescheduling and Cancellations
If you arrive after test start time or fail to show up for your purchased test on test day, you will not be able to reschedule. You will have to purchase and register for another test.
Please pay attention to the instructions below about cancellation/rescheduling procedures and time windows. Failure to cancel or reschedule in time may cause your test fee to be forfeited.
To reschedule or cancel a Praxis exam, you may do so up until three (3) days prior (not including date of test administration).
For example, the deadline to cancel a Friday appointment is Tuesday at 11:59 p.m. Eastern. Click below for more information and how to cancel or reschedule a Praxis exam:
Cancel or Reschedule Praxis Exam
If you need to cancel or reschedule your CLEP test, you may do so up to seven (7) days prior to the test date.For example, if your test date is June 22, June 15 is the last day you would be eligible to reschedule. If you do not cancel or reschedule before that cut-off, you will have register for a new test date and re-pay.
Email the Testing Center, testingcenter@tntech.edu, include your:
CLEP registration number
Marketplace order number
Current test date
Desired test date (if applicable)
Reason for rescheduling/cancelingTesting Center staff will respond to let you know if the desired reschedule date is possible or confirm your cancellation.
List of Test Dates / Tech CLEP and MAT Registration
In case of an emergency, requiring you to cancel or reschedule a test after the 7-day cutoff, please email the Testing Center, testingcenter@tntech.edu.
The Testing Center and Associate Dean will consider the circumstances and make an allowance at their discretion.
Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Exam (CPCE)
Please contact the Department of Counseling and Psychology, edcp@tntech.edu, and copy the Testing Center, testingcenter@tntech.edu.
- Childcare Not Provided
The Testing Center does not provide childcare.
Please make arrangements ahead of time for childcare during the test time (from arrival through test finish). If you cannot find childcare, you will have to reschedule your test and potentially forfeit your test fee.
Testing Center staff cannot monitor children and children cannot be left unattended in the Testing Center or in the building.
- Testing Disturbances
The Tennessee Tech College of Education & Human Sciences Testing Center is under 24/7 video surveillance, with cameras being used in accordance with university policy #403: Safety and Security Camera Acceptable Use.
Any and all incidents will be documented using the Tennessee Tech College of Education & Human Sciences Testing Center Incident Report template and the documentation will be kept on file. Specific vendor incident notification procedures will also be followed.
If any testing candidate causes a disturbance, either verbal or physical, resulting in his or her test being canceled, no refund will be issued. Rescheduling of the test will be the responsibility of the candidate.
Verbal Disturbance
In the event of a minor verbal disturbance (e.g., talking during the test, shouting, and/or aggressive speech toward Testing Center staff), the individual will be asked to stop the disturbing behavior, and if it occurs during the test, the test-taker will be asked to exit the test lab. If the disturbance is not resolved after speaking to the individual or is believed to interfere with test taking, the Testing Center Coordinator or on-duty Testing Center Administrator may decide that the candidate cannot return to complete the test. In this case, the test will be canceled. Should the behavior escalate or the individual refuse to leave, the Testing Center staff will contact Tennessee Tech Campus Police and the Associate Dean. If such behavior occurs more than once with the same individual, the Testing Center Coordinator and Associate Dean may decide to take additional steps, such as refusing to allow the individual to test at the Testing Center in the future.
The Testing Center staff take any verbal threat of physical violence or harm seriously. Should any individual threaten a staff member, other test candidate, Tennessee Tech employee, other person, or self-harm. The Tech Campus Police and the Associate Dean will be called immediately. The Testing Center may be secured and the test may be paused or stopped, depending on the threat level. If possible to do so safely, the Testing Center staff will ask the individual to remain until the police arrive. If it is not safe, the individual may be allowed to leave. A detailed physical description of the individual will be provided.
Physical Disturbance
In the event of a minor physical disturbance (e.g., throwing of belongings, slight damage to Testing Center property) outside of the test lab, the individual will be asked to cease the behavior. If the disturbance occurs in the test lab, the Testing Center staff will escort the individual involved out of the lab. If the situation can be resolved safely, Testing Center staff will do so. If the staff determines it is unsafe to continue testing, the other candidates will be notified immediately and will be given instructions as to how to proceed until the disturbance is over and follow up with the test vendor and Testing Center to reschedule.
The individual causing the disturbance will be asked to leave the Testing Center and his or her test will be canceled. All property damage will be documented as part of an incident report. The Testing Center and Associate Dean may also decide to take further steps such as refuse to allow the individual to test at the Testing Center in the future. Should the behavior continue/escalate or should the individual refuse to leave, the Testing Center staff will contact Tech Campus Police and the Associate Dean. The Testing Center and Associate Dean may also decide to take further steps such as refuse to allow the individual to test at the Testing Center in the future.
In the event of a major physical disturbance (destruction of property, physical violence, display or use of weapons of any sort), the Tech Campus Police, Associate Dean, and Dean will be contacted immediately. Testing Center staff will determine if it is safe to evacuate the Testing Center. Testing Center staff will lead candidates to a designated assembly point, to be determined by the nature of the event and the University’s Emergency Operations Plan, for an accountability check and to wait until the disturbance is over (or police request everyone leave campus). If it is determined that shelter-in-place is safest, the following steps should be taken:
The test proctor(s) should close the test lab door and remain in the locked test lab with the candidates. The Test Center Administrator (TCA) on duty should go to the check-in station and close the door, which locks automatically. The TCA should then go to the Coordinator’s office (if accessible) and lock the door; if the Coordinator’s office is not accessible, he or she should remain in the check-in station with the door locked. Once safely inside with the door locked, the TCA should call the Tech Campus Police (931) 372–3234 and alert them to the situation. The Associate Dean and Dean should also be notified immediately.
The offending individual will not be allowed to test at the Testing Center in the future.
Specific Vendor Procedures
If a disturbance of any sort takes place during a Praxis or CLEP administration, a Center Problem Report (CPR) must be submitted to ETS through the Unify Admin console. A Testing Center CPR should also be filled out and saved. Please follow the CPR procedures described in the Testing Center Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) manual.
Upon CPR review, ETS may decide to take action steps to cancel and invalidate any or all test administrations and scores, depending on the nature and level of severity of the disturbance.
If a disturbance of any sort takes place during an MAT administration, a Testing Center Incident Report should be filled out and saved. If the test administration had to be stopped, call the Pearson help desk to file any necessary reports and for information about rescheduling candidates. Please follow the incident report procedures described in the Testing Center SOP manual. Upon review, Pearson may decide to take action steps to cancel and invalidate any or all test administrations and scores, depending on the nature and level of severity of the disturbance.
Notify the Department of Counseling & Psychology, 931-372-3457 or email edcp@tntech.edu.
If requested, reach out to the Center for Credentialing and Education contact. A Testing Center Incident Report should be filled out and saved. Please follow the incident report procedures described in the Testing Center SOP manual. Upon review, test administrators may decide to take action steps to cancel and invalidate any or all test administrations and scores, depending on the nature and level of severity of the disturbance.
Amended 8/21/2018, approved 8/21/18.
- TNeCampus Exams
The College of Education & Human Sciences Testing Center DOES NOT offer proctor services for TNeCampus course examinations. Should you need a proctor for a course exam, please contact tlc@tntech.edu.
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