College of Engineering - Master of Science in Engineering Management - Course Descriptions

MSEM Course Descriptions

Component Courses Credit Hours
Engineering Courses

ENGR6200: Statistical Inference for Engineers 3
EMGT6100: Introduction to Engineering Management 3
EMGT6210: Project Management I 3
EMGT6220: Project Management II 3
EMGT6230: Project Management III 3
EMGT6300: Decision Analysis 3
EMGT6900: Professional Project 3
Component Courses Credit Hours
Business Courses          

ACCT6010: Accounting Information for Management Decisions 3
FIN6020: Financial Management 3
MKT6100: Strategic Marketing 3
BMGT6200: Organizational Leadership 3

Total credit hours for degree


Courses Description
ACCT6010 Analysis, interpretation, and use of accounting information by managers in directing the operations of organizations.
BMGT6200 An examination of behavioral concepts required for effective leadership within business organizations.
FIN6020 A case study course surveying tools, techniques, and applications of business financial management.
MKT6100 Strategic marketing issues and opportunities that impact both the marketing process and marketing program. Decisions will also consider environmental variables as well as the internal elements of an organization.
ENGR6200 Updated description coming soon.
EMGT6100 Broad introduction to engineering management fundamentals as applied to scientific or technological organizations, including discipline definitions, management and leadership principles, basic organization structures, project management practices, and ethical decisions.
EMGT6210 Comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals of project management as applied to scientific or technological organizations; including project planning, organizing, staffing, scheduling, budgeting and controlling.
EMGT6220 Building on EMGT 6210, this course examines the relationship between a project and its procurement and implementation, including RFPs, proposals, contracts, project charter, bridging documents, and issues of quality and integrity. Emphasis is also placed on external topics that impact project management including business development, relationship management, and negotiation.
EMGT6230 Advanced understanding and application of system-wide tools for the management of large scale, technical projects. Topics include systems engineering, risk management, and change management understanding and techniques to aide in the top-level planning and control of technical projects.
EMGT6300 The course will focus on complex decisions that involve tradeoffs among objectives or are made in the face of uncertainty. Topics include the nature of decision-making; tools for framing and analyzing hard decisions; risk and uncertainty in decision-making; the value of information; and ethical decision- making.
EMGT6900 The Professional Project is the capstone course for the Master of Science in Engineering Management degree, serving as the integrative culmination of the degree program.

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