Human Resources - Student Employment

Golden Eagle Student Employment

Centennial Plaza in Spring

Student Workers are employees who actively enrolled for the current semester and whose primary purpose for being at Tech is to be enrolled in an academic program of Tennessee Tech. 


Important Student Information

For information regarding full and part-time jobs please visit the Center for Career Development's page For Students.

Visit the Financial Aid page for information regarding Federal Work Study.

Important Information for Hiring Department

  • The hiring department must submit a Student Employee Form to the Human Resources office no later than one week prior to the student working.
  • Students may work no more than 29 hours per week during each academic term.
  • The hiring department must also submit a CHANGE/TERMINATION Form for Student Employees if any changes are made to the student's employment, such as change in hourly rate, time approver(s), etc.

View the Student Employment Flowchart for information on hiring student workers.