Limited English Proficiency
Specifically, a unique linguistic characteristic that reflects national origin is that a person’s native or primary language is not English. Because English is not the primary language, this person may have a limited ability to speak, write or understand English. This person would be considered as being Limited English Proficient or LEP.
How to offer translation services:
Title VI requires Tennessee Tech to provide language assistance to LEP persons in relation to our programs and services. Failure to do so may constitute discrimination based on national origin.
- LEP individuals are persons that English is not the individual’s primary language and have a limited ability to read, speak, write or understand English.
- Every department has a chart with instructions, account & access code, and a listing of the most common languages to help identify the language needed.
- If the language is not on the chart, call Lingüistica International and they will help identify the language (866) 908-5744.
- Services are provided 24/7, 365 days a year. Over 250 languages.
State of Tennessee has contracted with Lingüistica International to provide these services. You will need the account and access code when you call.
(866) 908-5744
If your department needs a chart, please email