Human Resources - Advertising & Recruiting Resources

Advertising & Recruiting Resources

The hiring process includes posting a position and advertising the job opening. Human Resources will post your position on the Tennessee Tech Website for a minimum of 10 calendar days, and will place the ad in HigherEdJobs and Diverse Issues in Higher Education. The Hiring Department will be responsible for placing and paying for any additional advertising. For Administrative Pay Grade AD45 or above and faculty positions, two (2) additional ads will be required.


Tips for Advertising and Recruiting

Professional Organizations ›

Advertise with professional organizations in your field. Identify affinity groups, special interest groups, committees, etc. that are specific to women, minorities, veterans, individuals with disabilities and other diverse individuals within professional organizations and contact them directly to ask for assistance with recruitment.

Institutions in Related Disciplines ›

Build relationships at institutions in your discipline with department chairs, graduate directors and deans at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs), Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs), Women’s Colleges and Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institutions (AANAPI).

Career Services Offices ›

Advertise with Career Services offices at HBCUs, HSIs, TCUs, AANAPIs, and Women’s Colleges.

Local and Regional Job and Family Services Offices ›

Build relationships with local and regional Job and Family Services offices and the VET representatives at those offices, as well as local and regional chambers of commerce and other organizations that support minorities.

Recruit Diverse Candidates ›


Advertise on national websites that are designed to help recruit minority candidates:

Military Personnel and Veterans

Advertise on websites and build relationships with organizations for military personnel and veterans:

Disabled Individuals

Advertise on websites and build relationships with organizations for individuals with disabilities:


Advertising Placement