Programs of Study
Advising for Undergraduate Programs & Teacher Licensure
The College of Education & Human Sciences Student Success Center is responsible for advising undergraduate students in the College of Education & Human Sciences.
Undergraduate Teacher Licensure Programs:
The following undergraduate and teacher licensure programs of study are advised through the College of Education & Human Sciences Student Success Center:
- ECED (Early Childhood Education PreK-3)
Early Childhood Education/Integrated Birth-K
Early Childhood Education/Special Education, Pre K-3
- ELED (Elementary Education K-5)
Elementary Education, K-5
- EXSC (Physical Education K-12)
Exercise Science Licensure, K-12
- MDS (Multidisciplinary Studies)
Computer Science Education, K-12
English as a Second Language (ESL), K-12
Middle School English, 6-8
Middle School Math, 6-8
Middle School Science, 6-8
Middle School Social Studies, 6-8
- SEED (Secondary Education 6-12)
Earth & Space Science
Political Science
Speech (6-12) & Theatre (K-12)
- SPE (Special Education)
Comprehensive/Interventionist, K-12
Interventionist for Secondary Education, 6-12
Advising for Agricultural Education (AGED), 6-12 is managed through the College of Agriculture and Human Ecology Student Success Center. Advising for Art and Music Education is managed through the College of Fine Arts Student Success Center.
Post Baccalaureate Teacher Licensure Programs:
The Post-Baccalaureate Program and the Job-Embedded Program are two pathways available to grant teacher licensure to interested individuals who have completed a bachelor's degree in an area that did not lead to teacher licensure.
Distance Learning Teacher Licensure Program | 2+2 Program Partnership with Community Colleges:
The 2 + 2 Program offers on-site delivery of the third and fourth years of the College of Education & Human Sciences’ teacher licensure program at surrounding community colleges, and is designed to mirror the quality of on-campus classes while increasing accessibility.
Currently, the Elementary Education concentration is offered through these partner campuses:
Chattanooga State (Main Campus)
Motlow State (Moore County)
Pellissippi State (Hardin Valley)
Roane State (Crossville, Harriman, Oak Ridge & Scott County)
Undergraduate non-teacher licensure programs of study offered in the Departments of Exercise Science, Curriculum and Instruction, and Counseling and Psychology:
- EXSC (Exercise Science Pre-Professional and Others)
EXSC (Exercise Science) Exercise Physiology
EXSC (Exercise Science) Fitness & Wellness
EXSC (Exercise Science) Practitioner
EXSC (Exercise Science) Pre-Athletic Training
EXSC (Exercise Science) Pre-Occupational Therapy
EXSC (Exercise Science) Pre-Physical Therapy
EXSC (Exercise Science) Pre-Physician Assistant
EXSC (Exercise Science) Sport Administration
- Non-Licensure Programs in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction
ECED (Early Childhood Education) Practitioner
MDS (Multidisciplinary Studies) Generalist
SEED (Secondary Education) Non-Licensure
SPE (Special Education) Practitioner
- PSY (Psychology)
PSY (Psychology)
More detailed information about these programs of study can be found under "Academic Organization and Programs of Study" in the Undergraduate Catalog.
Contact Us:
College of Education & Human Sciences
Student Success Center
P.O. Box 5162
T.J. Farr, Room 202
Cookeville, TN 38505
Phone: (931) 372-6036