
Bike Share

Bike Share

Tech’s Bike Share program is funded through the student Green Fee. The program is an easy way to practice sustainability, conserve gas, and encourage physical activity on campus. In addition to the bicycles, the program allows students to check-out locks and helmets. 

The Bike Share program currently allows students to check out bikes on a week to two week period from the Fitness Center.

Bike-related amenities on campus include bike racks at all buildings and bike repair stands available to students at various locations across campus.


B.I.K.E. Club

Tech B.I.K.E. Club is a student-led organization intended to promote engagement in cycling to support sustainable lifestyles and community on campus. The club hosts events and group rides for interested cyclists on campus.

For more information, check on Eagle Engage and follow their Instagram @wingsup_pedalup


Bike Repair Stations:

Bicycle repair stations are made available to students that offer tire pumps and tools for basic maintenance. There are currently two on campus, with locations being at the center of the Capital Quad residence halls, and near the entrance of New Hall North.
Tennessee Tech news article on Bike Repair Stations.


Bike Trails:
For more information on bike trails in Cookeville check out and Tennessee Central Heritage Rail Trail.



bike safety information

For more information and helpful resources visit:

TN TRAFFIC SAFETY   The League of American Bicyclists

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