Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence

Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence

  • Research Workshop Series 2024-2025

    Research Workshop Series 2024-2025

    Join us for an exciting series on research and sponsored programs. Workshop session descriptions and information are below. Please contact with questions.

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Research & Scholarly Activities

Value creation is a core principle outlined in the university’s strategic plan “Tech Tomorrow.” At Tennessee Tech, we provide a high return on investment from our state, tuition and donor resources, and foster productive, responsible and caring contributors to society. We appreciate and encourage faculty participation in all research endeavors and scholarly activities since they all enrich the student experience here at Tech, where even our undergraduates get the opportunity for hands-on research experience. Resources directed to this effort include:

Current Opportunities

Tech Tomorrow: Innovation in All We Do 

The new members of the Tech Tomorrow Strategic Planning Team have been selected and Holly Anthony, professor of mathematics education in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction in the College of Education & Human Sciences, has been named the faculty leader for the Tech Tomorrow Innovation in All We Do goal.

“Strategic planning is key to moving an institution towards a future that is imagined but not yet fulfilled,” Anthony said. “I am excited to be invited to play a role in that movement. I have seen a number of really good ideas come to fruition in my tenure at Tech and I have seen other really good ideas get lost in the daily grind. It is my hope to bring life to ideas that will put Tech at the forefront of innovation in academia.

“Tech Tomorrow is a dynamic strategic plan that is powered by the people for whom it is most impactful: students, faculty, staff, and the university. It will be a privilege to meet with faculty and students, hear their ideas for innovation in all we do, and work to develop those ideas into initiatives and programs that guide us towards excellence.”

The previous leader for this goal was Jason Beach, associate professor of curriculum and instruction in the College of Education & Human Sciences.

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Faculty Excellence in Research & Scholarly Activity

Tennessee Tech Faculty & Students Create Faster Flood Simulator 

Dr. Brad Cohen Receives the 2024 College of Arts & Sciences Award for Research and Scholarly Activity

Lori Maxwell, Jennifer Gray, Clark Carlton, Andrew Hetzel, and Troy Brachey received the 2024 Open Education Resources Award from Academic Affairs 

Dr. Ada Haynes is the recipient of the 2023-2024 Caplenor Faculty Research Award 

Dr. Mary Kidd, Dr. Jane Liu, and Dr. Kyle Murphy received the 2023-2024 Award for Excellence in Creative Inquiry Mentoring

Dr. Brian Williams received the 2023-2024 Scholar-Mentor Award

Dr. Bhattacharya received the American Chemical Society Grant

Recognize Faculty Excellence Today! 

LinkedIn Learning 

LinkedIn Learning is a service available to all Tennessee Tech faculty, staff, and students. LinkedIn Learning offers a wide variety of professional development resources. Below you will find a list of LinkedIn Learning resources specifically related to research and scholarly activity. 

Additional Resources 

Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SoTL)

The scholarship of teaching and learning is a synthesis of teaching, learning, and research in higher education that aims to bring a scholarly approach to what happens in the classroom.

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