Biology - B.S. Degree

B.S. Degree in Biology

The Biology Department offers a Bachelor's of Science in Biology, with a wide array of available concentrations. Biology is the study of living organisms at all levels, ranging from investigations into molecular structure and processes to studies of complex interactions among different organisms. A biology degree provides students with general courses needed to understand the basic concepts and principles on which these disciplines are based, as well as advanced coursework in seven concentrations: Botany; Cellular and Molecular Biology; Environmental Biology; Health Sciences; Marine Biology; Microbiology; and Zoology. 

Check out the links below for coursework details on the concentrations offered!

Botany Concentration
Cellular and Molecular Biology Concentration
Environmental Biology Concentration
Health Sciences Concentration
Marine Biology Concentration
Microbiology Concentration
Zoology Concentration



an upward view of the forest canopy as seen from the forest floor