English - M.A. Course Offerings

Recent M.A. Course Offerings

ENGL 5111 - Chaucer
ENGL 5121 - Shakespeare
ENGL 5130 - Milton
ENGL 5140 - Topics in British Literature to 1667
ENGL 5140 - Topics in British Literature to 1667: Tolkien & His Sources
ENGL 5210 - Eighteenth-Century British Literature
ENGL 5221 - Romantic Literature
ENGL 5231 - Victorian Literature
ENGL 5240 - Topics in British Literature to 1667: Women in the Development of the Novel
ENGL 5240 - Topics in British Literature to 1667: Jane Austen in Context
ENGL 5250 - Post Modern Literatures in English
ENGL 5310 - Early American Literature
ENGL 5320 - Nineteenth Century American Literature
ENGL 5330 - Modern American Literature
ENGL 5340 - Topics in American Literature: American War Novel
ENGL 5340 - Topics in American Literature: Trauma and the Nation
ENGL 5340 - Topics in American Literature: The Beat Generation
ENGL 5340 - Topics in American Literature: Early Narratives & Gender Theory
ENGL 5340 - Topics in American Literature
ENGL 5411 - Writing in the Professions
ENGL 5421 - Forms of Argumentation and Persuasion: Theory and Practice
ENGL 5430 - Creative Writing: Fiction
ENGL 5440 - Creative Writing: Essay
ENGL 5450 - Creative Writing: Poetry
ENGL 5511 - Introduction to Descriptive Linguistics
ENGL 5521 - History of the English Language
ENGL 5531 - Grammar and Language
ENGL 5541 - Topics in Linguistics/Language: Discourse in Numbers
ENGL 5541 - Topics in Linguistics/Language: Sociolinguistics
ENGL 5551 - Introduction to Rhetoric: Theory and Practice
ENGL 5561 - American English
ENGL 5610 - Novel
ENGL 5620 - Poetry: Form, Genre, Theory
ENGL 5630 - Literary Criticism and Theory
ENGL 5640 - Modern and Contemporary Drama
ENGL 5650 - The Graphic Novel
ENGL 5712 - African American Literature
ENGL 5713 - Native American Literature
ENGL 5720 - Continental Literature
ENGL 5731 - Women and Literature
ENGL 5751 - Topics in Non-Western Literature
ENGL 5810 - Introduction to Folklore
ENGL 5820 - Upper Cumberland Folklore
ENGL 5840 - The Gothic Tale of Terror
ENGL 5931 - Literature and the Environment
ENGL 5950 - Topics in Professional and Technical Communication
ENGL 5970 - Professional Communication II
ENGL 5981 - Topics: Methods in Research & Use of Archival Materials
ENGL 5983 - Topics: William Faulkner
ENGL 5983 - Topics: Digital Business/Proposal Writing
ENGL 6000 - Introduction to Graduate Studies
ENGL 6010 - Teaching Composition
PC 6040 - Special Topics in Professional and Technical Communication and Industry
ENGL 6400 - Special Topics: Blake and Joyce--True Originals?
ENGL 6400 - Special Topics: Elizabethan London
ENGL 6400 - Special Topics: Linguistics/Language American English
ENGL 6400 - Special Topics: Literary Geography and Early English Drama
ENGL 6400 - Special Topics: Monstrous Visions
ENGL 6400 - Special Topics: The Renaissance in England
ENGL 6400 - Special Topics: Digital Writing Practicum
ENGL 6590 - Seminar in Nineteenth-century American Literature
ENGL 6640 - Seminar in Twentieth-century American Literature
ENGL 6710 - Graduate Prose Workshop
ENGL 6720 - Graduate Poetry Workshop

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